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Valiant::Validator::With - Validate using a coderef or method


use Moo;
has date_of_birth => (is => 'ro');
validates date_of_birth => (
with => sub {
my ($self, $attribute_name, $value, $opts) = @_;
$self->errors->add($attribute_name, "Can't be born tomorrow")
if $value > DateTime->today;
validates date_of_birth => (
with => {
method => 'not_future',
message_if_false => _t('not_future'),
sub not_future {
my ($self, $attribute_name, $value, $opts) = @_;
return $value < DateTime->today;
my $dt = DateTime->new(year=>2364, month=>4, day=>30); # ST:TNG Encounter At Farpoint ;)
my $object = Local::Test::With->new(date_of_birth=>$dt);
warn $object->errors->_dump;
$VAR1 = {
'date_of_birth' => [
'Date of birth Can\'t be born tomorrow',
'Date of birth Date 2364-04-30T00:00:00 is future'


This validator allows you to set a custom coderef or method name to handle all special validation needs. You can use this instead of overriding the validate method. This validator doesn't itself set any error messages and relies on you knowing what you are doing. Use this when creating your own validator is too much work or the validation requirement is too special and not generically reusable.

You can also use a validation object and call that with validates_with as an alternative to using this validator. You should consider doing so if you validation is very complex and requires initial arguments for example.

If you set the parameter message_if_false you can just have your validation coderef or method return a boolean and it will set the error message for you. Given message will be used if the method or coderef returns false. You may find this approach neater if you need to use a validation method in several places, or for promoting looser coupling in your code.

Passing parameters to $opts

You can pass parameters to the $opts hashref using the opts argument:

validates date_of_birth => (
with => {
method => 'minimum_year',
opts => {year => 2000},
sub not_future_with_opts {
my ($self, $attribute_name, $value, $opts) = @_;
$self->errors->add($attribute_name, 'Year too low') unless
$value->year > $opts->{year};

You might find this useful in creating more parametered callbacks. However at this point you might wish to consider just writing a custom validator.


This validator supports the follow shortcut forms:

validates attribute => ( with => sub { my $self = shift; ... }, ... );
validates attribute => ( with => 'mymethod', ... );
validates attribute => ( with => ['mymethod', 'Value is invalid'], ... );
validates attribute => ( with => [sub { my $self = shift; ... }, 'Value is invalid'], ... );

Which is the same as:

validates attribute => (
with => {
cb => sub { ... },
validates attribute => (
with => {
method => 'mymethod',
validates attribute => (
with => {
method => 'mymethod',
message_if_false => 'Value is invalid',
validates attribute => (
with => {
cb => sub { ... },
message_if_false => 'Value is invalid',


This validator supports all the standard shared parameters: if, unless, message, strict, allow_undef, allow_blank.


Valiant, Valiant::Validator, Valiant::Validator::Each.


See Valiant


See Valiant