Devel::Pointer::PP - Fiddle around with pointers, safer than Devel::Pointer
use Devel::Pointer ':all';
my $addr = address_of( $val );
# Dereference by address
my $val2 = ${deref( $addr )};
# Dereference a reference
my $val2 = ${deref( \ $val )};
# Dereference a stringified reference
my $val2 = ${deref( "" . \ $val );
$a = unsmash_sv(0+$scalar_ref);
@a = unsmash_av(0+$array_ref);
%a = unsmash_hv(0+$hash_ref);
&a = unsmash_cv(0+$code_ref);
# Yes, you can do that. You get the idea.
$c = deref(-1); # *(-1), and the resulting segfault.
The primary purpose of this is to turn a smashed reference address back into a value. Once a reference is treated as a numeric or string value, you can't dereference it normally; although with this module, you can.
Be careful, though, to avoid dereferencing things that don't want to be dereferenced.
All of the above
Joshua ben Jore
Simon Cozens wrote the XS version and then some loony put an object_2svref method into perl 5.8.1's B module and enabled me to rewrite the thing in pure perl.