Revision history for Judy
0.11 - Sat Jan 3 19:22:00 209
Allow utf8 perl strings
Typemap handles SET magic for Word_t, Word_t*, Pvoid_t types
Introduce typedef Str for uniform SV*->((char*),STRLEN) capture
Silence warning, casting from (char*) to (uint8_t*) and (const uint8_t*)'
Ptr2String2 now triggers set magic
Now ignoring _Inline
Dropping const-{c,xs}.inc - it was throwing annoying warnings
Adding inc/My/ to put -I, -l, -L cc handling in a single place
Currently using Inline::C for some magic tests. Plan is to remove Inline.
0.10 - Sat Dec 26 15:06:00 2008
Require Alien::Judy 0.06+
0.09 - Sat Dec 26 12:59:00 2008
API changes:
Moved PJERR and JLAP_INVALID from Judy::Mem to Judy
Removed PeekI, PokeI, PeekU, PokeU using IV and UV
Added Peek and Poke using Word_t
Moved XS from Judy::HS to Judy.
Added, Judy.pod
Release script checks a -Duse64bitint perl.
Added notes to XS
Switched from PPCODE-style XS to CODE/OUTPUT-style XS to use implicit TARG.
Added typedefs for Pvoid_t, Word_t*, Word_t
Throw warning when UV/IV integers discard data when being truncated
for storage into native sized Word_t.
Require at least Alien-Judy 0.05
Removed, from the dist since they're generated
Stop assigning 0 to $judy objects in example code - undef suffices
Moved PJERR and JLAP_INVALID to Judy from Judy::Mem
Judy::1, Judy::L, Judy::SL, Judy::HS all load Judy
Judy loads all of Judy::1, Judy::L, Judy::S, Judy::HS
Added test t/40l.t which checks for data loss on machines with
-Duse64bitint that don't have 64-bit words.
0.08 - Tue Dec 22 00:07:00 2008
Add -L and -I build parameters to find Alien::Judy
Adding docs
0.07 - Sun Dec 21 09:46:00 2008
Added Judy::1 and Judy::L
Changed API. Renamed search functions to be in line with the C library
SearchForward -> First
ContinueForward -> Next
SearchBackward -> Last
ContinueBackward -> Prev
Removed vestigial PeekPoke from tests
Added constants PJERR, PJLAP_INVALID
0.06 - Sat Dec 20 01:20:00 2008
Depends on Alien::Judy to auto-install Judy
0.05 - Fri Dec 19 00:35:34 2008
Added Judy::Mem
Added t/20sl.t
Renamed t/10basic.t to t/10hs.t
Removed PeekPoke dependency. Re-implemented in Judy::Mem.
Stop using sv_2pvbyte, use SvPVbyte instead.
Using ppport.h at its own recommendation. Possibly incompatible with 5.6.1. See comment in HS.xs
Changed C comment syntax from // to /**/
Fixed README, now it autogenerates from README.pod
Git ignores Judy-*
0.04 - Fri Dec 20 12:02:00 2008
Added Judy::SL
Fixed documentation in Judy::HS
0.03 - Thu Dec 19 02:00:00 2008
Rewrote API
0.02 - Thu Dec 18 00:05:27 2008
Rewrote API
Moving pod to a separate file, minimally rewriting docs for new API
Rendered pod to README
Removed boilerplate from Changes
Author tests skipped unless AUTHOR_TEST
0.01 - Wed Dec 17 13:31:03 2008
Initial upload.
Provided "raw" HS macros, some tests failing