Changes for version 0.11
- Allow utf8 perl strings Typemap handles SET magic for Word_t, Word_t*, Pvoid_t types Introduce typedef Str for uniform SV*->((char*),STRLEN) capture Silence warning, casting from (char*) to (uint8_t*) and (const uint8_t*)' Ptr2String2 now triggers set magic Now ignoring _Inline Dropping const-{c,xs}.inc - it was throwing annoying warnings Adding inc/My/ to put -I, -l, -L cc handling in a single place Currently using Inline::C for some magic tests. Plan is to remove Inline.
Library for creating and accessing dynamic arrays
Library for creating and accessing a dynamic array, using an array-of-bytes as an Key and a word as a Value.
library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of words, using a word as an index.
Useful functions for interacting with memory
Library for creating and accessing a dynamic array (hash), using a null-terminated string as a key