Term::HiliteDiff - Highlights differences in text with ANSI escape codes


Term::HiliteDiff prints or formats your input with the differences highlighted. You can choose to update your display in place or let things scroll past like following a log.

You can choose to parse things for Term::HiliteDiff or let it just do a plain character-by-character diff. My favorites are doing diffs on CSV or tab delimited data.

This module highlights differences between subsequent lines/records of text. It was directly inspired by the --difference mode provided by the watch(1) program on Linux.


# Prints a tab delimited file, with differences highlighted
use Term::HiliteDiff 'hilite_diff';
while ( <STDIN> ) {
    hilite_diff( [ split /\t/ ] );


To install this module, run the following commands:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install


The Term::HiliteDiff->new constructor returns a new Term::HiliteDiff::_obj object. It responds to the methods ->watch and ->hilite_diff.

hilite_diff( ARRAY REFERENCE )
hilite_diff( STRING, ... )

The hilite_diff function compares the previous input with the current input and prints the new input on a new line with any differences highlited.

This function accepts either a single array reference or a list of strings. The difference is whether your input will be parsed or not. There is no parsing with an array reference. Your strings are split into characters if you pass in a list of strings.

while (<STDIN>) {
    print hilite_diff( $_ );

In both cases the output joining the contents of your array reference or the list of strings by the $, variable.

# Tab delimited input
$, = "\t";
while (<STDIN>) {
    print hilite_diff( [ split /$,/ ] );

If this function is called in void context, the result will be printed to the currently selected filehandle. In list or scalar context the resultant string will just be returned.

Example 1:

# prints differences to STDERR
while (<STDIN>) {
    print STDERR hilite_diff( $_ );

Example 2:

# prints differences to the default handle
while (<STDIN>) {
    hilite_diff( $_ );
watch( STRING, ... )

This function operates just like hilite_diff with the exception that it attempts to always write its output over the same portion of screen real estate. This allows you to have output that continually refreshes in place.

I wrote this variant of hilite_diff so I could follow the changes inside a repeating data structure.

# Watch 'a' increment inside the structure.
use Data::Dumper 'Dumper';
my @array = ( 1, 'a', 3 );
while ( 1 ) {
    ++ $array[1]
    watch( Dumper( \ @array ) );


The watch and hilite_diff functions are exported when you've used this module from the command line.

perl -MTerm::HiliteDiff -pe '$_ = hilite_diff( $_ )'


strict, vars, Exporter, Algorithm::Diff, Test::More, ExtUtils::MakeMaker


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Term::HiliteDiff

You can also look for information at:

RT, CPAN's request tracker
AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
Search CPAN


Josh ben Jore, <>


Copyright (C) 2006,2009 Joshua ben Jore.

This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

The program is free software. You may distribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (either version 2 or any later version) and the Perl Artistic License as published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. Please open the files named Copying and Artistic for a copy of these licenses.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 109:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'