Changes for version 0.33
- Primary maintenance taken over by James E Keenan (
- scripts/modulemaker
- modulemaker utility revised with objective of making it possible to specify all options on the command-line
- Included ABSTRACT in Main Menu and created prompt for new abstract
- Allowed for additional command-line options for specification of abstract and author info
- Modified Usage message to reflect additional command-line options; placed options in alphabetical order
- lib/ExtUtils/
- Corrected typing errors in several places
- Modified ORGANIZATION in POD to parallel wording of CPANID
- Changed $defaults{ABSTRACT} to 'Module abstract (<= 44 characters) goes here'
- Allowed for ORGANIZATION, where defined, to be included in AUTHOR COMPOSITE and thereby included in Author section of POD
- Fixed Block_Begin() and Block_Begin_BareBones() to eliminate blank first line in .pm files
- Deletion of superseded/deprecated subroutines and corresponding POD
- t/*.t
- Corrected names of test files on first lines of each of 02_simple.t, 03_quick.t and 04_compact.t
- Created 05_abstract. to test current and new features:
- correct Author and Email in Makefile.PL
- placement of Abstract in POD
- placement of Author info in POD
- placement of History info in POD rather than in Changes
- Created t/06_build.t and t/07_proxy.t to test alternative BUILD_SYSTEMs
- Created t/08_modulemaker.t to pave the way for testing of the modulemaker utility (much to be done)
interactive interface to ExtUtils::ModuleMaker
Better than h2xs for creating modules
Templates for the module's License/Copyright
Templates for the module's License/Copyright
Demonstation of alternate style/templates