Changes for version 0.36

  • Corrected error pointed out by CPAN tester Scott R. Godin: IO::Capture and subclasses were omitted from MANIFEST, causing failure in t/11_miscargs.t.
  • Added additional command-line option '-q' to suppress sub new() in .pm file created by modulemaker. Added tests to t/09_mmkr.t to test suppression of POD and suppression of sub new() in .pm file created by modulemaker. Along the way, wrote additional testing subroutines and added them to t/testlib/ exported: check_pm_file make_compact not exported: pod_present constructor_present
  • Typographic cleanup of what modulemaker prints to STDOUT for Directives menu (mistake caused by my wrap settings in vi).
  • Commented out so it will no longer be bundled via make dist and no longer be uploaded to CPAN.


interactive interface to ExtUtils::ModuleMaker


Better than h2xs for creating modules
Hold subroutines used in modulemaker
Templates for the module's License/Copyright
Templates for the module's License/Copyright