List::Compare - Compare elements of two or more lists


This document refers to version 0.16 of List::Compare. This version was released March 8, 2002.


Simple Case: Compare Two Lists

Create a List::Compare object. Put the two lists into arrays and pass references to the arrays to the constructor.

@Llist = qw(abel abel baker camera delta edward fargo golfer);
@Rlist = qw(baker camera delta delta edward fargo golfer hilton);

$lc = List::Compare->new(\@Llist, \@Rlist);

Get those items which appear in both lists (their intersection).

@intersection = $lc->get_intersection;

Get those items which appear in either list (their union).

@union = $lc->get_union;

Get those items which appear only in the first list.

@Lonly = $lc->get_unique;
@Lonly = $lc->get_Lonly;    # alias

Get those items which appear only in the second list.

@Ronly = $lc->get_complement;
@Ronly = $lc->get_Ronly;    # alias

Get those items which appear in either the first or the second list, but not both.

@LorRonly = $lc->get_symmetric_difference;
@LorRonly = $lc->get_symdiff;        # alias
@LorRonly = $lc->get_LorRonly;        # alias

Make a bag of all those items in both lists. The bag differs from the union of the two lists in that it holds as many copies of individual elements as appear in the original lists.

@bag = $lc->get_bag;

An alternative approach to the above methods: If you do not immediately require an array as the return value of the method call, but simply need a reference to an array, use one of the following parallel methods:

$intersection_ref = $lc->get_intersection_ref;
$union_ref        = $lc->get_union_ref;
$Lonly_ref        = $lc->get_unique_ref;
$Lonly_ref        = $lc->get_Lonly_ref;                   # alias
$Ronly_ref        = $lc->get_complement_ref;
$Ronly_ref        = $lc->get_Ronly_ref;                   # alias
$LorRonly_ref     = $lc->get_symmetric_difference_ref;
$LorRonly_ref     = $lc->get_symdiff_ref;               # alias
$LorRonly_ref     = $lc->get_LorRonly_ref;               # alias
$bag_ref          = $lc->get_bag_ref;

Return a true value if L is a subset of R.

$LR = $lc->is_LsubsetR;

Return a true value if R is a subset of L.

$RL = $lc->is_RsubsetL;

Return a true value if L and R are equivalent, i.e. if every element in L appears at least once in R and vice versa.

$eqv = $lc->is_LequivalentR;
$eqv = $lc->is_LeqvlntR;        # alias

Pretty-print a chart showing whether one list is a subset of the other.


Pretty-print a chart showing whether the two lists are equivalent (same elements found at least once in both).


Return current List::Compare version number.

$vers = $lc->get_version;

Accelerated Case: When User Only Wants a Single Comparison

If you are certain that you will only want the results of a single comparison, computation may be accelerated by passing '-a' as the first argument to the constructor.

@Llist = qw(abel abel baker camera delta edward fargo golfer);
@Rlist = qw(baker camera delta delta edward fargo golfer hilton);

$lca = List::Compare->new('-a', \@Llist, \@Rlist);

All the comparison methods available in the Simple case are available to the user in the Accelerated case as well.

@intersection =     $lca->get_intersection;
@union        =     $lca->get_union;
@Lonly        =     $lca->get_unique;
@Ronly        =     $lca->get_complement;
@LorRonly     =     $lca->get_symmetric_difference;
@bag          =     $lca->get_bag;
$intersection_ref = $lca->get_intersection_ref;
$union_ref        = $lca->get_union_ref;
$Lonly_ref        = $lca->get_unique_ref;
$Ronly_ref        = $lca->get_complement_ref;
$LorRonly_ref     = $lca->get_symmetric_difference_ref;
$bag_ref          = $lca->get_bag_ref;
$LR           =     $lca->is_LsubsetR;
$RL           =     $lca->is_RsubsetL;
$eqv          =     $lca->is_LequivalentR;
$vers         =     $lca->get_version;

All the aliases for methods available in the Simple case are available to the user in the Accelerated case as well.

Multiple Case: Compare Three or More Lists

Create a List::Compare object. Put each list into an array and pass references to the arrays to the constructor.

@Al     = qw(abel abel baker camera delta edward fargo golfer);
@Bob    = qw(baker camera delta delta edward fargo golfer hilton);
@Carmen = qw(fargo golfer hilton icon icon jerky kappa);
@Don    = qw(fargo icon jerky);
@Ed     = qw(fargo icon icon jerky);

$lcm = List::Compare->new(\@Al, \@Bob, \@Carmen, \@Don, \@Ed);
  • Multiple Mode Methods Analogous to Simple and Accelerated Mode Methods

    Each List::Compare method available in the Simple and Accelerated cases has an analogue in the Multiple case. However, the results produced usually require more careful specification.

    Get those items found in each of the lists passed to the constructor (their intersection):

    @intersection = $lcm->get_intersection;

    Get those items found in any of the lists passed to the constructor (their union):

    @union = $lcm->get_union;

    To get those items which appear only in one particular list, pass to get_unique that list's index position in the list of arguments passed to the constructor. Example: @Carmen has index position 2 in the constructor's @_. To get elements unique to @Carmen:

    @Lonly = $lcm->get_unique(2);

    If no index position is passed to get_unique it will default to 0 and report items unique to the first list passed to the constructor.

    To get those items which appear in any list other than one particular list, pass to get_complement that list's index position in the list of arguments passed to the constructor. Example: @Don has index position 3 in the constructor's @_. To get elements not found in @Don:

    @Ronly = $lcm->get_complement(3);

    If no index position is passed to get_complement it will default to 0 and report items found in any list other than the first list passed to the constructor.

    Get those items which do not appear in more than one of the lists passed to the constructor (their symmetric_difference);

    @LorRonly = $lcm->get_symmetric_difference;

    Make a bag of all items found in any list. The bag differs from the lists' union in that it holds as many copies of individual elements as appear in the original lists.

    @bag = $lcm->get_bag;

    An alternative approach to the above methods: If you do not immediately require an array as the return value of the method call, but simply need a reference to an array, use one of the following parallel methods:

    $intersection_ref = $lcm->get_intersection_ref;
    $union_ref        = $lcm->get_union_ref;
    $Lonly_ref        = $lcm->get_unique_ref(2);
    $Ronly_ref        = $lcm->get_complement_ref(3);
    $LorRonly_ref     = $lcm->get_symmetric_difference_ref;
    $bag_ref          = $lcm->get_bag_ref;

    To determine whether one particular list is a subset of another list passed to the constructor, pass to is_LsubsetR the index position of the presumed subset, followed by the index position of the presumed superset. A true value (1) is returned if the left-hand list is a subset of the right-hand list; a false value (0) is returned otherwise. Example: To determine whether @Ed is a subset of @Carmen, call:

    $LR = $lcm->is_LsubsetR(4,2);

    If no arguments are passed, is_LsubsetR defaults to (0,1) and compares the first two lists passed to the constructor.

    To determine whether any two particular lists are equivalent to each other, pass their index positions in the list of arguments passed to the constructor to is_LequivalentR. A true value (1) is returned if the lists are equivalent; a false value (0) otherwise. Example: To determine whether @Don and @Ed are equivalent, call:

    $eqv = $lcm->is_LequivalentR(3,4);

    If no arguments are passed, is_LequivalentR defaults to (0,1) and compares the first two lists passed to the constructor.

    Pretty-print a chart showing the subset relationships among the various source lists:


    Pretty-print a chart showing the equivalence relationships among the various source lists:


    Return current List::Compare version number:

    $vers = $lcm->get_version;
  • Multiple Mode Methods Not Analogous to Simple and Accelerated Mode Methods

    Get those items found in any of the lists passed to the constructor which do not appear in all of the lists (i.e., all items except those found in the intersection of the lists):

    @nonintersection = $lcm->get_nonintersection;

    Get those items which appear in more than one of the lists passed to the constructor (i.e., all items except those found in their symmetric difference);

    @shared = $lcm->get_shared;

    If you only need a reference to an array as a return value rather than a full array, use the following alternative methods:

    $nonintersection_ref = $lcm->get_nonintersection_ref;
    $shared_ref = $lcm->get_shared_ref;


General Comments

List::Compare is an object-oriented implementation of very common Perl code (see "History, References and Development" below) used to determine interesting relationships between two or more lists at a time. A List::Compare object is created and automatically computes the values needed to supply List::Compare methods with appropriate results. In the current implementation List::Compare methods will return new lists containing the items found in any designated list alone (unique), any list other than a designated list (complement), the intersection and union of all lists and so forth. List::Compare also has (a) methods to return Boolean values indicating whether one list is a subset of another and whether any two lists are equivalent to each other (b) methods to pretty-print very simple charts displaying the subset and equivalence relationships among lists.

In its current implementation List::Compare, with one exception (get_bag), generates its results by means of hash look-up tables. Hence, multiple instances of an element in a given list only count once with respect to computing the intersection, union, etc. of the two lists. In particular, List::Compare considers two lists as equivalent if each element of the first list can be found in the second list and vice versa. 'Equivalence' in this usage takes no note of the frequency with which elements occur in either list or their order within the lists. Only when we use get_bag to compute a bag holding the two lists do we take into account multiple instances of a particular element within a source list.

List::Compare Modes

In its current implementation List::Compare has three modes of operation.

  • Simple Mode

    List::Compare's Simple mode is based on List::Compare v0.11 -- the first version of List::Compare released to CPAN (June 2002). It compares only two lists at a time. Internally, its initializer does all computations needed to report any desired comparison and its constructor stores the results of these computations. Its public methods merely report these results.

    This approach has the advantage that if the user needs to examine more than one form of comparison between two lists (e.g., the union, intersection and symmetric difference of two lists), the comparisons are already available. This approach is efficient because certain types of comparison presuppose that other types have already been calculated. For example, to calculate the symmetric difference of two lists, one must first determine the items unique to each of the two lists.

  • Accelerated Mode

    The current implementation of List::Compare offers the user the option of getting even faster results provided that the user only needs the result from one form of comparison between two lists. (e.g., only the union -- nothing else). In this Accelerated mode, List::Compare's initializer does no computation and its constructor stores only references to the two source lists. All computation needed to report results is deferred to the method calls.

    The user selects this approach by passing the option flag '-a' to the constructor before passing references to the two source lists. List::Compare notes the option flag and silently switches into Accelerated mode. From the perspective of the user, there is no further difference in the code or in the results.

    Benchmarking suggests that List::Compare's Accelerated mode (a) is faster than its Simple mode when only one comparison is requested; (b) is about as fast as Simple mode when two comparisons are requested; and (c) becomes considerably slower than Simple mode as each additional comparison above two is requested.

  • Multiple Mode

    List::Compare now offers the possibility of comparing three or more lists at a time. Simply store the extra lists in arrays and pass references to those arrays to the constructor. List::Compare detects that more than two lists have been passed to the constructor and silently switches into Multiple mode.

    As described in the Synopsis above, comparing more than two lists at a time offers the user a wider, more complex palette of comparison methods. Individual items may appear in just one source list, in all the source lists, or in some number of lists between one and all. The meaning of 'union', 'intersection' and 'symmetric difference' is conceptually unchanged when we move to multiple lists because these are properties of all the lists considered together. In contrast, the meaning of 'unique', 'complement', 'subset' and 'equivalent' changes because these are properties of list compared with another or with all the other lists combined.

    List::Compare takes this complexity into account by allowing the user to pass arguments to the public methods requesting results with respect to a specific list (for get_unique and get_complement) or a specific pair of lists (for is_LsubsetR and is_LequivalentR).

    List::Compare further takes this complexity into account by offering the new methods get_shared and get_nonintersection described in the Synopsis above.

Miscellaneous Methods

It would not really be appropriate to call get_shared and get_nonintersection in Simple or Accelerated mode since they are conceptually based on the notion of comparing more than two lists at a time. However, there is always the possibility that a user may be comparing only two lists (accelerated or not) and may accidentally call one of those two methods. To prevent fatal run-time errors and to caution the user to use a more appropriate method, these two methods are defined for Simple and Accelerated modes so as to return suitable results but also generate a carp message that advise the user to re-code.

Similarly, the method is_RsubsetL is appropriate for the Simple and Accelerated modes but is not really appropriate for Multiple mode. As a defensive maneuver, it has been defined for Multiple mode so as to return suitable results but also to generate a carp message that advises the user to re-code.

In List::Compare v0.11 and earlier, the author provided aliases for various methods based on the supposition that the source lists would be referred to as 'A' and 'B'. Now that we can compare more than two lists at a time, the author feels that it would be more appropriate to refer to the elements of two-argument lists as the left-hand and right-hand elements. Hence, we are discouraging the use of methods such as get_Aonly, get_Bonly and get_AorBonly as aliases for get_unique, get_complement and get_symmetric_difference. However, to guarantee backwards compatibility for the vast audience of Perl programmers using earlier versions of List::Compare (all 10e1 of you) these and similar methods for subset relationships are still defined.


The program was created with Perl 5.6. The use of h2xs to prepare the module's template installed require 5.005_62; at the top of the module. This has been commented out in the actual module as the code appears to be compatible with earlier versions of Perl; how earlier the author cannot say. In particular, the author would like the module to be installable on older versions of MacPerl. As is, the author has successfully installed the module on Linux (RedHat 7.2, Perl 5.6.0) and Windows98 (ActivePerl 5.6.1). See the CPAN home page for this module for a list of other systems on which this version of List::Compare has been tested and installed.


The Code Itself

List::Compare is based on code presented by Tom Christiansen & Nathan Torkington in Perl Cookbook (a.k.a. the 'Ram' book), O'Reilly & Associates, 1998, Recipes 4.7 and 4.8. Similar code is presented in the Camel book: Programming Perl, by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant., 3rd ed, O'Reilly & Associates, 2000. The list comparison code is so basic and Perlish that I suspect it may have been written by Larry himself at the dawn of Perl time. The get_bag() method was inspired by Jarkko Hietaniemi's Set::Bag module and Daniel Berger's Set::Array module, both available on CPAN.

List::Compare's original objective was simply to put this code in a modular, object-oriented framework. That framework, not surprisingly, is taken mostly from Damian Conway's Object Oriented Perl, Manning Publications, 2000.

With the addition of the Accelerated and Multiple modes, List::Compare expands considerably in both size and capabilities. Nonetheless, Tom and Nat's Cookbook code still lies at its core: the use of hashes as look-up tables to record elements seen in lists. This approach means that List::Compare is not concerned with any concept of 'equality' among lists which hinges upon the frequency with which, or the order in which, elements appear in the lists to be compared. If this does not meet your needs, you should look elsewhere or write your own module.

The Inspiration

I realized the usefulness of putting the list comparison code into a module while preparing an introductory level Perl course given at the New School University's Computer Instruction Center in April-May 2002. I was comparing lists left and right. When I found myself writing very similar functions in different scripts, I knew a module was lurking somewhere. I learned the truth of the mantra ''Repeated Code is a Mistake'' from a 2001 talk by Mark-Jason Dominus to the New York Perlmongers See The first public presentation of this module took place at Perl Seminar New York on May 21, 2002. Comments and suggestions were provided there and since by Glenn Maciag, Gary Benson, Josh Rabinowitz, Terrence Brannon and Dave Cross.

If You Like List::Compare, You'll Love ...

While preparing this module for distribution via CPAN, I had occasion to study a number of other modules already available on CPAN. Each of these modules is more sophisticated than List::Compare -- which is not surprising since all that List::Compare originally aspired to do was to avoid typing Cookbook code repeatedly. Here is a brief description of the features of these modules.

  • Algorithm::Diff - Compute 'intelligent' differences between two files/lists (

    Algorithm::Diff is a sophisticated module originally written by Mark-Jason Dominus and now maintained by Ned Konz. Think of the Unix diff utility and you're on the right track. Algorithm::Diff exports methods such as diff, which "computes the smallest set of additions and deletions necessary to turn the first sequence into the second, and returns a description of these changes." Algorithm::Diff is mainly concerned with the sequence of elements within two lists. It does not export functions for intersection, union, subset status, etc.

  • Array::Compare - Perl extension for comparing arrays (

    Array::Compare, by Dave Cross, asks whether two arrays are the same or different by doing a join on each string with a separator character and comparing the resulting strings. Like List::Compare, it is an object-oriented module. A sophisticated feature of Array::Compare is that it allows the user to specify how 'whitespace' in an array (an element which is undefined, the empty string, or whitespace within an element) should be evaluated for purpose of determining equality or difference. It does not directly provide methods for intersection and union.

  • List::Util - A selection of general-utility list subroutines (

    List::Util, by Graham Barr, exports a variety of simple, useful functions for operating on one list at a time. The min function returns the lowest numerical value in a list; the max function returns the highest value; and so forth. List::Compare differs from List::Util in that it is object-oriented and that it works on two strings at a time rather than just one -- but it aims to be as simple and useful as List::Util. List::Util will be included in the standard Perl distribution as of Perl 5.8.0.

    Lists::Util (, by Terrence Brannon, provides methods which extend List::Util's functionality.

  • Quantum::Superpositions (, by Damian Conway, is useful if, in addition to comparing lists, you need to emulate quantum supercomputing as well. Not for the eigen-challenged.

  • Set::Scalar - basic set operations (

    Set::Bag - bag (multiset) class (

    Both of these modules are by Jarkko Hietaniemi. Set::Scalar has methods to return the intersection, union, difference and symmetric difference of two sets, as well as methods to return items unique to a first set and complementary to it in a second set. It has methods for reporting considerably more variants on subset status than does List::Compare. However, benchmarking suggests that List::Compare, at least in Simple mode, is considerably faster than Set::Scalar for those comparison methods which List::Compare makes available.

    Set::Bag enables one to deal more flexibly with the situation in which one has more than one instance of an element in a list.

  • Set::Array - Arrays as objects with lots of handy methods (including set comparisons) and support for method chaining. (

    Set::Array, by Daniel Berger, "aims to provide built-in methods for operations that people are always asking how to do,and which already exist in languages like Ruby." Among the many methods in this module are some for intersection, union, etc. To install Set::Array, you must first install the Want module, also available on CPAN.


James E. Keenan (

Creation date: May 20, 2002. Last modification date: March 8, 2003. Copyright (c) 2002-3 James E. Keenan. United States. All rights reserved. This is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.