List::Compare::Functional - Compare elements of two or more lists


This document refers to version 0.24 of List::Compare::Functional. This version was released March 28, 2004. The first released version of List::Compare::Functional was v0.21. Its version numbers are set to be consistent with the other parts of the List::Compare distribution.


Getting Started

List::Compare::Functional exports no subroutines by default.

use List::Compare::Functional qw(:originals :aliases);

will import all publicly available subroutines from List::Compare::Functional. The model for importing just one subroutine from List::Compare::Functional is:

use List::Compare::Functional qw( get_intersection );

It will probably be most convenient for the user to import functions by using one of the two following export tags:

use List::Compare::Functional qw(:main :mainrefs);

The assignment of the various comparison functions to export tags is discussed below.

Comparing Two Lists Held in Arrays

  • Given two lists:

    @Llist = qw(abel abel baker camera delta edward fargo golfer);
    @Rlist = qw(baker camera delta delta edward fargo golfer hilton);
  • Get those items which appear at least once in both lists (their intersection).

    @intersection = get_intersection(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
  • Get those items which appear at least once in either list (their union).

    @union = get_union(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
  • Get those items which appear (at least once) only in the first list.

    @Lonly = get_unique(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    @Lonly = get_Lonly(\@Llist, \@Rlist);    # alias
  • Get those items which appear (at least once) only in the second list.

    @Ronly = get_complement(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    @Ronly = get_Ronly(\@Llist, \@Rlist);            # alias
  • Get those items which appear at least once in either the first or the second list, but not both.

    @LorRonly = get_symmetric_difference(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    @LorRonly = get_symdiff(\@Llist, \@Rlist);       # alias
    @LorRonly = get_LorRonly(\@Llist, \@Rlist);      # alias
  • Make a bag of all those items in both lists. The bag differs from the union of the two lists in that it holds as many copies of individual elements as appear in the original lists.

    @bag = get_bag(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
  • An alternative approach to the above methods: If you do not immediately require an array as the return value of the method call, but simply need a reference to an array, use one of the following parallel methods:

    $intersection_ref = get_intersection_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    $union_ref        = get_union_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    $Lonly_ref        = get_unique_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    $Lonly_ref        = get_Lonly_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);                 # alias
    $Ronly_ref        = get_complement_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    $Ronly_ref        = get_Ronly_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);                 # alias
    $LorRonly_ref     = get_symmetric_difference_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    $LorRonly_ref     = get_symdiff_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);               # alias
    $LorRonly_ref     = get_LorRonly_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);              # alias
    $bag_ref          = get_bag_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
  • Return a true value if L is a subset of R.

    $LR = is_LsubsetR(\@Llist, \@Rlist);

    Return a true value if R is a subset of L.

    $RL = is_RsubsetL(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
  • Return a true value if L and R are equivalent, i.e. if every element in L appears at least once in R and vice versa.

    $eqv = is_LequivalentR(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
    $eqv = is_LeqvlntR(\@Llist, \@Rlist);            # alias
  • Pretty-print a chart showing whether one list is a subset of the other.

    print_subset_chart(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
  • Pretty-print a chart showing whether the two lists are equivalent (same elements found at least once in both).

    print_equivalence_chart(\@Llist, \@Rlist);
  • Determine in which (if any) of the lists a given string can be found. In list context, return a list of those indices in the argument list corresponding to lists holding the string being tested.

    @memb_arr = is_member_which(\@Llist, \@Rlist, 'abel');

    In the example above, @memb_arr will be:

    ( 0 )

    because 'abel' is found only in @Al which holds position 0 in the list of arguments passed to new().

  • As with other List::Compare methods which return a list, you may wish the above method returned a (scalar) reference to an array holding the list:

    $memb_arr_ref = is_member_which_ref(\@Llist, \@Rlist, 'baker');

    In the example above, $memb_arr_ref will be:

    [ 0, 1 ]

    because 'baker' is found in @Llist and @Rlist, which hold positions 0 and 1, respectively, in the list of arguments passed to new().

    Note: methods is_member_which() and is_member_which_ref test only one string at a time and hence take only one argument. To test more than one string at a time see the next method, are_members_which().

  • Determine in which (if any) of the lists one or more given strings can be found. Get a reference to a hash of arrays. The key for each element in this hash is the string being tested. Each element's value is a reference to an anonymous array whose elements are those indices in the argument list corresponding to lists holding the strings being tested.

    $memb_hash_ref = 
        are_members_which(\@Llist, \@Rlist, 
            qw| abel baker fargo hilton zebra |);

    Instead of passing a list to are_members_which(), you may also pass a reference to an array.

    $memb_hash_ref = 
        are_members_which(\@Llist, \@Rlist, 
            [ qw| abel baker fargo hilton zebra | ]);

    In the two examples above, $memb_hash_ref will be:

         abel     => [ 0    ],
         baker    => [ 0, 1 ],
         fargo    => [ 0, 1 ],
         hilton   => [    1 ],
         zebra    => [      ],

    Note: are_members_which() can take more than one argument; is_member_which() and is_member_which_ref() each take only one argument. are_members_which() returns a hash reference; the other methods return either a list or a reference to an array holding that list, depending on context.

  • Determine whether a given string can be found in any of the lists passed as arguments. Return 1 if a specified string can be found in any of the lists and 0 if not.

    $found = is_member_any(\@Llist, \@Rlist, 'abel');

    In the example above, $found will be 1 because 'abel' is found in one or more of the lists passed as arguments to new().

  • Determine whether a specified string or strings can be found in any of the lists passed as arguments. Get a reference to a hash where an element's key is the string being tested and the element's value is 1 if the string can be found in any of the lists and 0 if not.

    $memb_hash_ref = are_members_any(\@Llist, \@Rlist, 
        qw| abel baker fargo hilton zebra |);

    Instead of passing a list to are_members_any(), you may also pass a reference to an array.

    $memb_hash_ref = are_members_any(\@Llist, \@Rlist, 
        [ qw| abel baker fargo hilton zebra | ]);

    In the two examples above, $memb_hash_ref will be:

         abel     => 1,
         baker    => 1,
         fargo    => 1,
         hilton   => 1,
         zebra    => 0,

    because, e.g., 'zebra' is not found in either of the lists passed as arguments to new().

  • Return current List::Compare::Functional version number.

    $vers = get_version;

Comparing Two Lists Held in Seen-Hashes

What is a seen-hash? A seen-hash is a hash where the value for a given element represents the number of times the element's key is observed in a list. For the purposes of List::Compare::Functional, what is crucial is whether an item is observed in a list or not; how many times the item occurs in a list is, with one exception, irrelevant. (That exception is the get_bag() function and its fraternal twin get_bag_ref(). In this case only, the key in each element of the seen-hash is placed in the bag the number of times indicated by the value of that element.) The value of an element in a List::Compare seen-hash must be a positive integer, but whether that integer is 1 or 1,000,001 is immaterial for all List::Compare::Functional functions except forming a bag.

The two lists compared above were represented by arrays; references to those arrays were passed to the various List::Compare::Functional functions. They could, however, have been represented by seen-hashes such as the following and passed in exactly the same manner to the various functions.

%Llist = (
    abel   => 2,
    baker  => 1, 
    camera => 1,
    delta  => 1,
    edward => 1,
    fargo  => 1,
    golfer => 1,
%Rlist = (
    baker  => 1,
    camera => 1,
    delta  => 2,
    edward => 1,
    fargo  => 1,
    golfer => 1,
    hilton => 1,

@intersection = get_intersection(\%Llist, \%Rlist);
@union        = get_union(\%Llist, \%Rlist);
@complement   = get_complement(\%Llist, \%Rlist);

and so forth.

Faster Results with the Unsorted Option

By default, List::Compare::Function functions return lists sorted in Perl's default ASCII-betical mode. Sorting entails a performance cost, and if you do not need a sorted list and do not wish to pay this performance cost, you may call the following List::Compare::Function functions with the 'unsorted' option:

@intersection = get_intersection('-u', \@Llist, \@Rlist);
@union = get_union('-u', \@Llist, \@Rlist);
@Lonly = get_unique('-u', \@Llist, \@Rlist);
@Ronly = get_complement('-u', \@Llist, \@Rlist);
@LorRonly = get_symmetric_difference('-u', \@Llist, \@Rlist);
@bag = get_bag('-u', \@Llist, \@Rlist);

For greater readability, the option may be spelled out:

@intersection = get_intersection('--unsorted', \@Llist, \@Rlist);

Should you need a reference to an unsorted list as the return value, you may call the unsorted option as follows:

$intersection_ref = get_intersection_ref('-u', \@Llist, \@Rlist);
$intersection_ref = get_intersection_ref('--unsorted', \@Llist, \@Rlist);


General Comments

List::Compare::Functional is a non-object-oriented implementation of very common Perl code used to determine interesting relationships between two or more lists at a time. List::Compare::Functional is based on the same author's List::Compare and List::Compare::SeenHash modules found in the same CPAN distribution. List::Compare::Functional is closely modeled on the ''Accelerated'' mode in List::Compare and List::Compare::SeenHash. Like that Accelerated mode, List::Compare::Functional compares only two lists at a time -- it cannot, in the current implementation, compare three or more lists simultaneously -- and it can only carry out one functional comparison at a time. If you need to compare three or more lists simultaneously, use List::Compare's ''Multiple'' mode (or the Multiple mode in List::Compare::SeenHash). Similarly, if you need to compute, say, both the intersection and union of two or more lists, use List::Compare's Regular or Multiple modes (or their analogues in List::Compare::SeenHash).

For a discussion of the antecedents of this module, see the discussion of the history and development of this module in the documentation to List::Compare.

List::Compare::Functional's Export Tag Groups

By default, List::Compare::Functional exports no functions. You may import individual functions into your main package but may find it more convenient to import via export tag groups. Four such groups are currently defined:

use List::Compare::Functional qw(:main)
use List::Compare::Functional qw(:mainrefs)
use List::Compare::Functional qw(:originals)
use List::Compare::Functional qw(:aliases)
  • Tag group :main includes what, in the author's opinion, are the six List::Compare::Functional subroutines mostly likely to be used:

  • Tag group :mainrefs includes five of the six subroutines found in :main -- all except is_LsubsetR() -- in the form in which they return references to arrays rather than arrays proper:

  • Tag group :originals includes all List::Compare::Functional subroutines in their 'original' form, i.e., no aliases for those subroutines:

  • Tag group :aliases contains all List::Compare::Functional subroutines which are aliases for subroutines found in tag group :originals. In certain cases the aliases involve less typing; in others they are ways of calling subroutines in a style dating from early versions of List::Compare and are included solely for backward compatibility for the one or two people on the planet still using those early versions.


James E. Keenan (

Creation date: May 20, 2002. Last modification date: March 28, 2004. Copyright (c) 2002-3 James E. Keenan. United States. All rights reserved. This is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.