Marpa::Leo - Marpa Leo Implementation


This document is in progress. The most important parts of this document are not yet written.


This document describes Marpa's implementation of the algorithm in Leo 1991. The focus is on features useful for tracing and debugging grammars which have Leo items and Leo completions.

This document assumes that the reader knows the Marpa API, that she has a general knowledge of parsing, and that she is familiar with the document on basic Marpa implementation. and its prerequisites. All the examples in this document assume that none of the data has been stripped.


Below are the code and the trace outputs for the example used in this document.

Code for the example

my $grammar = Marpa::Grammar->new(
    {   start          => 'Statement',
        actions        => 'My_Actions',
        default_action => 'first_arg',
        strip          => 0,
        rules          => [
            {   lhs    => 'Statement',
                rhs    => [qw/Expression/],
                action => 'do_Statement'
            {   lhs    => 'Expression',
                rhs    => [qw/Lvalue AssignOp Expression/],
                action => 'do_Expression'
            {   lhs    => 'Expression',
                rhs    => [qw/Lvalue AddAssignOp Expression/],
                action => 'do_Expression'
            {   lhs    => 'Expression',
                rhs    => [qw/Lvalue MinusAssignOp Expression/],
                action => 'do_Expression'
            {   lhs    => 'Expression',
                rhs    => [qw/Lvalue MultiplyAssignOp Expression/],
                action => 'do_Expression'
            {   lhs    => 'Expression',
                rhs    => [qw/Variable/],
                action => 'do_Expression'
            { lhs => 'Lvalue', rhs => [qw/Variable/] },


my $recce = Marpa::Recognizer->new( { grammar => $grammar } );

my @tokens = (
    [ 'Variable',         'a' ],
    [ 'AssignOp',         q{=} ],
    [ 'Variable',         'b' ],
    [ 'AddAssignOp',      q{+=} ],
    [ 'Variable',         'c' ],
    [ 'MinusAssignOp',    q{-=} ],
    [ 'Variable',         'd' ],
    [ 'MultiplyAssignOp', q{*=} ],
    [ 'Variable',         'e' ],

$recce->tokens( \@tokens );

%My_Actions::VALUES = ( a => 711, b => 47, c => 1, d => 2, e => 3 );

sub My_Actions::do_Statement {
    return join q{ }, map { $_ . q{=} . $My_Actions::VALUES{$_} }
        sort keys %My_Actions::VALUES;

sub My_Actions::do_Expression {
    my ( undef, $lvariable, $op, $rvalue ) = @_;
    my $original_value = $My_Actions::VALUES{$lvariable};
    return $original_value if not defined $rvalue;
        $My_Actions::VALUES{$lvariable} =
          $op eq q{*=} ? ( $original_value * $rvalue )
        : $op eq q{+=} ? ( $original_value + $rvalue )
        : $op eq q{-=} ? ( $original_value - $rvalue )
        : $rvalue

} ## end sub My_Actions::do_Expression

sub My_Actions::first_arg { return $_[1] }

show_symbols Output

0: Statement, lhs=[0] rhs=[7] terminal
1: Expression, lhs=[1 2 3 4 5] rhs=[0 1 2 3 4] terminal
2: Lvalue, lhs=[6] rhs=[1 2 3 4] terminal
3: AssignOp, lhs=[] rhs=[1] terminal
4: AddAssignOp, lhs=[] rhs=[2] terminal
5: MinusAssignOp, lhs=[] rhs=[3] terminal
6: MultiplyAssignOp, lhs=[] rhs=[4] terminal
7: Variable, lhs=[] rhs=[5 6] terminal
8: Statement['], lhs=[7] rhs=[]

show_rules Output

0: Statement -> Expression
1: Expression -> Lvalue AssignOp Expression
2: Expression -> Lvalue AddAssignOp Expression
3: Expression -> Lvalue MinusAssignOp Expression
4: Expression -> Lvalue MultiplyAssignOp Expression
5: Expression -> Variable
6: Lvalue -> Variable
7: Statement['] -> Statement /* vlhs real=1 */

show_AHFA Output

Start States: S0; S1
S0: 23
Statement['] -> . Statement
 <Statement> => S2; leo(Statement['])
S1: predict; 1,3,7,11,15,19,21
Statement -> . Expression
Expression -> . Lvalue AssignOp Expression
Expression -> . Lvalue AddAssignOp Expression
Expression -> . Lvalue MinusAssignOp Expression
Expression -> . Lvalue MultiplyAssignOp Expression
Expression -> . Variable
Lvalue -> . Variable
 <Expression> => S3; leo(Statement)
 <Lvalue> => S4
 <Variable> => S5
S2: leo-c; 24
Statement['] -> Statement .
S3: leo-c; 2
Statement -> Expression .
S4: 4,8,12,16
Expression -> Lvalue . AssignOp Expression
Expression -> Lvalue . AddAssignOp Expression
Expression -> Lvalue . MinusAssignOp Expression
Expression -> Lvalue . MultiplyAssignOp Expression
 <AddAssignOp> => S6; S7
 <AssignOp> => S7; S8
 <MinusAssignOp> => S7; S9
 <MultiplyAssignOp> => S10; S7
S5: 20,22
Expression -> Variable .
Lvalue -> Variable .
S6: 9
Expression -> Lvalue AddAssignOp . Expression
 <Expression> => S11; leo(Expression)
S7: predict; 3,7,11,15,19,21
Expression -> . Lvalue AssignOp Expression
Expression -> . Lvalue AddAssignOp Expression
Expression -> . Lvalue MinusAssignOp Expression
Expression -> . Lvalue MultiplyAssignOp Expression
Expression -> . Variable
Lvalue -> . Variable
 <Lvalue> => S4
 <Variable> => S5
S8: 5
Expression -> Lvalue AssignOp . Expression
 <Expression> => S12; leo(Expression)
S9: 13
Expression -> Lvalue MinusAssignOp . Expression
 <Expression> => S13; leo(Expression)
S10: 17
Expression -> Lvalue MultiplyAssignOp . Expression
 <Expression> => S14; leo(Expression)
S11: leo-c; 10
Expression -> Lvalue AddAssignOp Expression .
S12: leo-c; 6
Expression -> Lvalue AssignOp Expression .
S13: leo-c; 14
Expression -> Lvalue MinusAssignOp Expression .
S14: leo-c; 18
Expression -> Lvalue MultiplyAssignOp Expression .

show_earley_sets Output

Last Completed: 9; Furthest: 9
Earley Set 0
Earley Set 1
S5@0-1 [p=S1@0-0; s=Variable; t=\'a']
S3@0-1 [p=S1@0-0; c=S5@0-1]
S4@0-1 [p=S1@0-0; c=S5@0-1]
S2@0-1 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-1]
Earley Set 2
S8@0-2 [p=S4@0-1; s=AssignOp; t=\'=']
L12@0-2; actual="Expression"->12; [c=S8@0-2]
Earley Set 3
S5@2-3 [p=S7@2-2; s=Variable; t=\'b']
S12@0-3 [l=L12@0-2; c=S5@2-3]
S4@2-3 [p=S7@2-2; c=S5@2-3]
S3@0-3 [p=S1@0-0; c=S12@0-3]
S2@0-3 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-3]
Earley Set 4
S6@2-4 [p=S4@2-3; s=AddAssignOp; t=\'+=']
L12@0-4; actual="Expression"->11; [p=L12@0-2; c=S6@2-4]
Earley Set 5
S5@4-5 [p=S7@4-4; s=Variable; t=\'c']
S12@0-5 [l=L12@0-4; c=S5@4-5]
S4@4-5 [p=S7@4-4; c=S5@4-5]
S3@0-5 [p=S1@0-0; c=S12@0-5]
S2@0-5 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-5]
Earley Set 6
S9@4-6 [p=S4@4-5; s=MinusAssignOp; t=\'-=']
L12@0-6; actual="Expression"->13; [p=L12@0-4; c=S9@4-6]
Earley Set 7
S5@6-7 [p=S7@6-6; s=Variable; t=\'d']
S12@0-7 [l=L12@0-6; c=S5@6-7]
S4@6-7 [p=S7@6-6; c=S5@6-7]
S3@0-7 [p=S1@0-0; c=S12@0-7]
S2@0-7 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-7]
Earley Set 8
S10@6-8 [p=S4@6-7; s=MultiplyAssignOp; t=\'*=']
L12@0-8; actual="Expression"->14; [p=L12@0-6; c=S10@6-8]
Earley Set 9
S5@8-9 [p=S7@8-8; s=Variable; t=\'e']
S12@0-9 [l=L12@0-8; c=S5@8-9]
S4@8-9 [p=S7@8-8; c=S5@8-9]
S3@0-9 [p=S1@0-0; c=S12@0-9]
S2@0-9 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-9]

show_earley_sets Output

Last Completed: 9; Furthest: 9
Earley Set 0
Earley Set 1
S5@0-1 [p=S1@0-0; s=Variable; t=\'a']
S3@0-1 [p=S1@0-0; c=S5@0-1]
S4@0-1 [p=S1@0-0; c=S5@0-1]
S2@0-1 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-1]
Earley Set 2
S8@0-2 [p=S4@0-1; s=AssignOp; t=\'=']
L12@0-2; actual="Expression"->12; [c=S8@0-2]
Earley Set 3
S5@2-3 [p=S7@2-2; s=Variable; t=\'b']
S12@0-3 [l=L12@0-2; c=S5@2-3]
S4@2-3 [p=S7@2-2; c=S5@2-3]
S3@0-3 [p=S1@0-0; c=S12@0-3]
S2@0-3 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-3]
Earley Set 4
S6@2-4 [p=S4@2-3; s=AddAssignOp; t=\'+=']
L12@0-4; actual="Expression"->11; [p=L12@0-2; c=S6@2-4]
Earley Set 5
S5@4-5 [p=S7@4-4; s=Variable; t=\'c']
S12@0-5 [l=L12@0-4; c=S5@4-5]
S4@4-5 [p=S7@4-4; c=S5@4-5]
S3@0-5 [p=S1@0-0; c=S12@0-5]
S2@0-5 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-5]
Earley Set 6
S9@4-6 [p=S4@4-5; s=MinusAssignOp; t=\'-=']
L12@0-6; actual="Expression"->13; [p=L12@0-4; c=S9@4-6]
Earley Set 7
S5@6-7 [p=S7@6-6; s=Variable; t=\'d']
S12@0-7 [l=L12@0-6; c=S5@6-7]
S4@6-7 [p=S7@6-6; c=S5@6-7]
S3@0-7 [p=S1@0-0; c=S12@0-7]
S2@0-7 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-7]
Earley Set 8
S10@6-8 [p=S4@6-7; s=MultiplyAssignOp; t=\'*=']
L12@0-8; actual="Expression"->14; [p=L12@0-6; c=S10@6-8]
Earley Set 9
S5@8-9 [p=S7@8-8; s=Variable; t=\'e']
S12@0-9 [p=S8@0-2; c=S11@2-9]
S4@8-9 [p=S7@8-8; c=S5@8-9]
S3@0-9 [p=S1@0-0; c=S12@0-9]
S2@0-9 [p=S0@0-0; c=S3@0-9]
S14@6-9 [p=S10@6-8; c=S5@8-9]
S13@4-9 [p=S9@4-6; c=S14@6-9]
S11@2-9 [p=S6@2-4; c=S13@4-9]

trace_values Output

Pushed value from S5@0-1L2o18a18: Variable = \'a'
Popping 1 values to evaluate S5@0-1L2o18a18, rule: 6: Lvalue -> Variable
Calculated and pushed value: 'a'
Pushed value from S8@0-2R1:2o16a16: AssignOp = \'='
Pushed value from S5@2-3L2o15a15: Variable = \'b'
Popping 1 values to evaluate S5@2-3L2o15a15, rule: 6: Lvalue -> Variable
Calculated and pushed value: 'b'
Pushed value from S6@2-4R2:2o13a13: AddAssignOp = \'+='
Pushed value from S5@4-5L2o12a12: Variable = \'c'
Popping 1 values to evaluate S5@4-5L2o12a12, rule: 6: Lvalue -> Variable
Calculated and pushed value: 'c'
Pushed value from S9@4-6R3:2o10a10: MinusAssignOp = \'-='
Pushed value from S5@6-7L2o9a9: Variable = \'d'
Popping 1 values to evaluate S5@6-7L2o9a9, rule: 6: Lvalue -> Variable
Calculated and pushed value: 'd'
Pushed value from S10@6-8R4:2o7a7: MultiplyAssignOp = \'*='
Pushed value from S5@8-9L1o6a6: Variable = \'e'
Popping 1 values to evaluate S5@8-9L1o6a6, rule: 5: Expression -> Variable
Calculated and pushed value: 3
Popping 3 values to evaluate S14@6-9L1o5a5, rule: 4: Expression -> Lvalue MultiplyAssignOp Expression
Calculated and pushed value: 6
Popping 3 values to evaluate S13@4-9L1o4a4, rule: 3: Expression -> Lvalue MinusAssignOp Expression
Calculated and pushed value: -5
Popping 3 values to evaluate S11@2-9L1o3a3, rule: 2: Expression -> Lvalue AddAssignOp Expression
Calculated and pushed value: 42
Popping 3 values to evaluate S12@0-9L1o2a2, rule: 1: Expression -> Lvalue AssignOp Expression
Calculated and pushed value: 42
Popping 1 values to evaluate S3@0-9L0o1a1, rule: 0: Statement -> Expression
Calculated and pushed value: 'a=42 b=42 c=-5 d=6 e=3'
New Virtual Rule: S2@0-9L8o0a0, rule: 7: Statement['] -> Statement
Symbol count is 1, now 1 rules


Copyright 2007-2010 Jeffrey Kegler, all rights reserved. Marpa is free software under the Perl license. For details see the LICENSE file in the Marpa distribution.