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=head1 NAME
Catalyst::Plugin::CommandLine - Catalyst plugin to make $c available also for scripts.
# in
use Catalyst qw( CommandLine );
# in a script
use MyCatalystApp;
my $c = MyCatalystApp->commandline;
$c->stash->{ ...
$c->model( ...
$c->controller( ...
$c->view( ...
Use this module if you need to have access to the Catalyst controllers or models from
command line script.
use strict;
use NEXT;
use UNIVERSAL qw{ can };
our $VERSION = "0.05";
=head2 commandline
Will setup $c so that it could be used in the script.
Setups stash, request, response, sessionid.
sub commandline {
my $class;
my $c;
# if called as constructor then contruct the object
if (ref $_[0] eq '') {
$class = shift;
$c = $class->new();
# otherwise get "$self"
else {
$c = shift;
# prevent reinitializing
return $c if $c->commandline_mode;
my $uri_path = '/';
my $uri = \$uri_path;
bless $uri, 'URI::http';
my $base = \$c->config->{'base'};
bless $base, 'URI::http';
$c->stash({ CommandLine => 1 });
'cookies' => {},
'base' => $base,
'uri' => $uri,
'secure' => 1,
'headers' => HTTP::Headers->new,
'cookies' => {},
'headers' => HTTP::Headers->new,
# execute the root auto method
if $c->controller('Root')->can('auto');
return $c;
=head2 commandline_mode
Returns true/false if catalyst is running in commandline mode.
sub commandline_mode {
my $c = shift;
return 1 if ($c->stash and $c->stash->{'CommandLine'});
return 0;
=head1 AUTHOR
Jozef Kutej - E<lt>jkutej@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2007 by Jozef Kutej
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.