File::is - file is older? oldest? is newer? newest? similar? the same?
Version 0.01
use File::is;
# return if F<file1> is newer than F<file2> or F<file3>.
if File::is->newer('file1', 'file2', 'file3');
# do something if F<path1/file1> is older than F<file2> or F<path3/file3>.
if File::is->older([ 'path1', 'file1'], 'file2', [ 'path3', 'file3' ]);
This module is a result of /me not wanting to write:
if ($(stat('filename'))[9] < $(stat('tmp/other-filename'))[9]) { do_someting(); };
Instead I wrote a module with ~80 lines of code and ~90 lines of tests for it... So how is the module different from the above if
? Should be reusable, has more functionality, should be clear from the code it self what the condition is doing and was fun to play with it. Another advantage is that the file names can be passed as array refs. In this case "catfile" in File::Spec is used to construct the filename. The resulting code is:
if (File::is->older('filename', [ 'tmp', 'other-filename' ])) { do_something(); };
newer($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
is newer (has modification time-stamp recent) then any of the rest passed as argument.
newest($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
is newest (has the biggest modification time-stamp) compared to the rest of the passed filenames.
older($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
is older (has the later modification time-stamp) then any of the rest passed as argument.
oldest($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
is oldest (has the latest modification time-stamp) compared to the rest of the passed filenames.
similar($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
has the same size and modification time-stamp than any of the rest of the passed filenames.
thesame($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
has the same inode (is hard link) to any of the rest of the passed filenames.
bigger($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
is bigger (has the bigger size) then any of the rest passed as argument.
biggest($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
is biggest (has the biggest size) compared to the rest of the passed filenames.
smaller($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
is smaller (has the smaller size) then any of the rest passed as argument.
smallest($primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
Returns true/false if the $primary_filename
is smallest (has the smallest size) compared to the rest of the passed filenames.
Call/use at your own risk ;-)
Accepts one or more arguments. It passes them to <File::Spec-
catfile()>> dereferencing the array if one argument array ref is passed.
_construct_filename('file') => 'file'
_construct_filename([ 'folder', 'file' ]) => File::Spec->catfile('folder', 'file');
_construct_filename('folder', 'file') => File::Spec->catfile('folder', 'file');
This function is called on every argument passed to cmp methods (newer, smaller, older, ...).
_cmp_stat($class, $return_value_if_match, $cmp_function, $primary_filename, $other_filename, $other_filename2, ...)
This function is called by all of the public newer()
, smaller()
, older()
, ... methods do loop through files and do some cmp on them.
Jozef Kutej, <jkutej at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-file-is at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc File::is
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Copyright 2009 Jozef Kutej, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.