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=head1 NAME
Test::Environment::Plugin::PostgreSQL - PostreSQL psql function for testing
use Test::Environment qw{
# set database credentials
'database' => $config->{'db'}->{'database'},
'hostname' => $config->{'db'}->{'hostname'},
'username' => $config->{'db'}->{'username'},
'password' => $config->{'db'}->{'password'},
# or skip hostname and database and set them via
#'dbi_dsn' => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=dsn_test;host=localhost',
# execute sql query
my @output = psql(
'switches' => '--expanded',
'command' => 'SELECT * FROM Table',
# ..., see psql function description for more
This plugin will export 'psql' function that can be used to execute PostreSQL psql command
with lot of options for testing.
Module will prepare %ENV for postgres:
'username' => 'PGUSER',
'password' => 'PGPASSWORD',
'database' => 'PGDATABASE',
'hostname' => 'PGHOST',
'port' => 'PGPORT',
Any postgres connection settings not listed or undef will be deleted from the %ENV hash.
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.03;
use base qw{ Exporter };
our @EXPORT = qw{
our $debug = 0;
use List::MoreUtils 'any';
use DBI;
=head2 import
All functions are exported 2 levels up. That is to the use Test::Environment caller.
sub import {
my $package = shift;
# export symbols two levels up - to the Test::Environment caller
__PACKAGE__->export_to_level(2, $package, @EXPORT);
=head2 psql()
psql command executed easily. Here is the list of options that can be used.
Option related to the connection to the database.
By setting this PostreSQL %ENV variables will be set. So for psql command to the
same databse you need to set them only once.
The rest of the option related to the psql command.
command - scalar or array ref of sql commands
switches - scalar or array of additional psql switches
output_filename - the output will be written to this file (-o)
execution_path - before executing psql change to that folder
stderr_redirect - will redirect stderr to stdout so that also error appears in the return value
debug - turn on debug mode, it can be also done globaly by setting "$ENV{'IN_DEBUG_MODE'} = 1"
sub psql {
my %arg = @_;
# deparse dbi_dsn if passed
if (defined $arg{'dbi_dsn'}) {
my($scheme, $driver, $attr_string, $attr_hash, $driver_dsn)
= DBI->parse_dsn($arg{'dbi_dsn'});
croak 'not a Pg dbi dsn "'.$arg{'dbi_dsn'}.'"'
if (($scheme ne 'dbi') or ($driver ne 'Pg'));
# contruct hash out of "dbname=dsn_test;host=localhost;port=123"
my %dsn_options = map { split '=', $_ } split(';',$driver_dsn);
$arg{'database'} = $dsn_options{'dbname'}
if exists $dsn_options{'dbname'};
$arg{'hostname'} = $dsn_options{'host'}
if exists $dsn_options{'host'};
$arg{'port'} = $dsn_options{'port'}
if exists $dsn_options{'port'};
my %pg_settings_names = (
'username' => 'PGUSER',
'password' => 'PGPASSWORD',
'database' => 'PGDATABASE',
'hostname' => 'PGHOST',
'port' => 'PGPORT',
# change %ENV only if at least one pg connection setting set
if (any { $pg_settings_names{$_} } keys %arg) {
# set/delete postgres ENV variables
foreach my $arg_name (keys %pg_settings_names) {
my $env_name = $pg_settings_names{$arg_name};
( defined $arg{$arg_name}
? $ENV{$env_name} = $arg{$arg_name}
: delete $ENV{$env_name}
# function paramaters
my $command = $arg{'command'};
my $output_filename = $arg{'output_filename'};
my $execution_path = $arg{'execution_path'};
my $stderr_redirect = $arg{'stderr_redirect'};
my @switches = (ref $arg{'switches'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$arg{'switches'}} : $arg{'switches'} )
if exists $arg{'switches'};
local $debug = 1 if ($arg{'debug'} or $ENV{'IN_DEBUG_MODE'});
# if there is no command return nothink to do more
return if not defined $command;
# if more commands then join them together
if (ref $command eq 'ARRAY') {
$command = join '; ', @{$command};
$command .= ';' if ($command !~ m{;\s*$}xms);
if (defined $output_filename) {
push(@switches, '-o', '"'.$output_filename.'"')
# redirect stderr to stdout
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") if (defined $stderr_redirect);
# chdir if needed
if (defined $execution_path) {
print STDERR '+ cd ', $execution_path, "\n" if $debug;
my @ret = execute(
return @ret if defined wantarray;
return join('', @ret);
=head2 execute
Executes command as system and return output.
In debug mode prints command to stderr.
sub execute {
my $cmd = shell_quote @_;
print STDERR '+ ', $cmd, "\n" if $debug;
my @ret = `$cmd`;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Jozef Kutej - E<lt>jozef@kutej.netE<gt>