Paws::ACM - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Certificate Manager


use Paws;

my $obj = Paws->service('ACM');
my $res = $obj->Method(
  Arg1 => $val1,
  Arg2 => [ 'V1', 'V2' ],
  # if Arg3 is an object, the HashRef will be used as arguments to the constructor
  # of the arguments type
  Arg3 => { Att1 => 'Val1' },
  # if Arg4 is an array of objects, the HashRefs will be passed as arguments to
  # the constructor of the arguments type
  Arg4 => [ { Att1 => 'Val1'  }, { Att1 => 'Val2' } ],


AWS Certificate Manager

Welcome to the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Command Reference. This guide provides descriptions, syntax, and usage examples for each ACM command. You can use AWS Certificate Manager to request ACM Certificates for your AWS-based websites and applications. For general information about using ACM and for more information about using the console, see the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide. For more information about using the ACM API, see the AWS Certificate Manager API Reference.


DeleteCertificate(CertificateArn => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ACM::DeleteCertificate

Returns: nothing

Deletes an ACM Certificate and its associated private key. If this
action succeeds, the certificate no longer appears in the list of ACM
Certificates that can be displayed by calling the ListCertificates
action or be retrieved by calling the GetCertificate action. The
certificate will not be available for use by other AWS services.

You cannot delete an ACM Certificate that is being used by another AWS service. To delete a certificate that is in use, the certificate association must first be removed.

DescribeCertificate(CertificateArn => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ACM::DescribeCertificate

Returns: a Paws::ACM::DescribeCertificateResponse instance

Returns a list of the fields contained in the specified ACM
Certificate. For example, this action returns the certificate status, a
flag that indicates whether the certificate is associated with any
other AWS service, and the date at which the certificate request was
created. The ACM Certificate is specified on input by its Amazon
Resource Name (ARN).

GetCertificate(CertificateArn => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ACM::GetCertificate

Returns: a Paws::ACM::GetCertificateResponse instance

Retrieves an ACM Certificate and certificate chain for the certificate
specified by an ARN. The chain is an ordered list of certificates that
contains the root certificate, intermediate certificates of subordinate
CAs, and the ACM Certificate. The certificate and certificate chain are
base64 encoded. If you want to decode the certificate chain to see the
individual certificate fields, you can use OpenSSL.

Currently, ACM Certificates can be used only with Elastic Load Balancing and Amazon CloudFront.

ListCertificates([CertificateStatuses => ArrayRef[Str], MaxItems => Int, NextToken => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ACM::ListCertificates

Returns: a Paws::ACM::ListCertificatesResponse instance

Retrieves a list of the ACM Certificate ARNs, and the domain name for
each ARN, owned by the calling account. You can filter the list based
on the C<CertificateStatuses> parameter, and you can display up to
C<MaxItems> certificates at one time. If you have more than C<MaxItems>
certificates, use the C<NextToken> marker from the response object in
your next call to the C<ListCertificates> action to retrieve the next
set of certificate ARNs.

RequestCertificate(DomainName => Str, [DomainValidationOptions => ArrayRef[Paws::ACM::DomainValidationOption], IdempotencyToken => Str, SubjectAlternativeNames => ArrayRef[Str]])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ACM::RequestCertificate

Returns: a Paws::ACM::RequestCertificateResponse instance

Requests an ACM Certificate for use with other AWS services. To request
an ACM Certificate, you must specify the fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) for your site. You can also specify additional FQDNs if users
can reach your site by using other names. For each domain name you
specify, email is sent to the domain owner to request approval to issue
the certificate. After receiving approval from the domain owner, the
ACM Certificate is issued. For more information, see the AWS
Certificate Manager User Guide .

ResendValidationEmail(CertificateArn => Str, Domain => Str, ValidationDomain => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ACM::ResendValidationEmail

Returns: nothing

Resends the email that requests domain ownership validation. The domain
owner or an authorized representative must approve the ACM Certificate
before it can be issued. The certificate can be approved by clicking a
link in the mail to navigate to the Amazon certificate approval website
and then clicking B<I Approve>. However, the validation email can be
blocked by spam filters. Therefore, if you do not receive the original
mail, you can request that the mail be resent within 72 hours of
requesting the ACM Certificate. If more than 72 hours have elapsed
since your original request or since your last attempt to resend
validation mail, you must request a new certificate.


This service class forms part of Paws


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