Paws::CloudWatch::PutMetricAlarm - Arguments for method PutMetricAlarm on Paws::CloudWatch
This class represents the parameters used for calling the method PutMetricAlarm on the Amazon CloudWatch service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method PutMetricAlarm.
You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to PutMetricAlarm.
As an example:
$service_obj->PutMetricAlarm(Att1 => $value1, Att2 => $value2, ...);
Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object.
ActionsEnabled => Bool
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm state.
AlarmActions => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the ALARM
state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Valid Values: arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:stop | arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:terminate | arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:recover
Valid Values (for use with IAM roles): arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Stop/1.0 | arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Terminate/1.0 | arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Reboot/1.0
AlarmDescription => Str
The description for the alarm.
REQUIRED AlarmName => Str
The name for the alarm. This name must be unique within the AWS account.
REQUIRED ComparisonOperator => Str
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified statistic and threshold. The specified statistic value is used as the first operand.
Valid values are: "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
, "GreaterThanThreshold"
, "LessThanThreshold"
, "LessThanOrEqualToThreshold"
Dimensions => ArrayRef[Paws::CloudWatch::Dimension]
The dimensions for the metric associated with the alarm.
REQUIRED EvaluationPeriods => Int
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
ExtendedStatistic => Str
The percentile statistic for the metric associated with the alarm. Specify a value between p0.0 and p100.
InsufficientDataActions => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the INSUFFICIENT_DATA
state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Valid Values: arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:stop | arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:terminate | arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:recover
Valid Values (for use with IAM roles): arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Stop/1.0 | arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Terminate/1.0 | arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Reboot/1.0
REQUIRED MetricName => Str
The name for the metric associated with the alarm.
REQUIRED Namespace => Str
The namespace for the metric associated with the alarm.
OKActions => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to an OK
state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Valid Values: arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:stop | arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:terminate | arn:aws:automate:region:ec2:recover
Valid Values (for use with IAM roles): arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Stop/1.0 | arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Terminate/1.0 | arn:aws:swf:us-east-1:{customer-account}:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Reboot/1.0
REQUIRED Period => Int
The period, in seconds, over which the specified statistic is applied.
Statistic => Str
The statistic for the metric associated with the alarm, other than percentile. For percentile statistics, use ExtendedStatistic
Valid values are: "SampleCount"
, "Average"
, "Sum"
, "Minimum"
, "Maximum"
REQUIRED Threshold => Num
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
Unit => Str
The unit of measure for the statistic. For example, the units for the Amazon EC2 NetworkIn metric are Bytes because NetworkIn tracks the number of bytes that an instance receives on all network interfaces. You can also specify a unit when you create a custom metric. Units help provide conceptual meaning to your data. Metric data points that specify a unit of measure, such as Percent, are aggregated separately.
If you specify a unit, you must use a unit that is appropriate for the metric. Otherwise, the Amazon CloudWatch alarm can get stuck in the INSUFFICIENT DATA
Valid values are: "Seconds"
, "Microseconds"
, "Milliseconds"
, "Bytes"
, "Kilobytes"
, "Megabytes"
, "Gigabytes"
, "Terabytes"
, "Bits"
, "Kilobits"
, "Megabits"
, "Gigabits"
, "Terabits"
, "Percent"
, "Count"
, "Bytes/Second"
, "Kilobytes/Second"
, "Megabytes/Second"
, "Gigabytes/Second"
, "Terabytes/Second"
, "Bits/Second"
, "Kilobits/Second"
, "Megabits/Second"
, "Gigabits/Second"
, "Terabits/Second"
, "Count/Second"
, "None"
This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method PutMetricAlarm in Paws::CloudWatch
The source code is located here:
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