

CertificateArn => Str

The reference to an AWS-managed certificate that will be used by edge-optimized endpoint for this domain name. AWS Certificate Manager is the only supported source.

CertificateName => Str

The name of the certificate that will be used by edge-optimized endpoint for this domain name.

CertificateUploadDate => Str

The timestamp when the certificate that was used by edge-optimized endpoint for this domain name was uploaded.

DistributionDomainName => Str

The domain name of the Amazon CloudFront distribution associated with this custom domain name for an edge-optimized endpoint. You set up this association when adding a DNS record pointing the custom domain name to this distribution name. For more information about CloudFront distributions, see the Amazon CloudFront documentation (

DistributionHostedZoneId => Str

The region-agnostic Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone ID of the edge-optimized endpoint. The valid value is Z2FDTNDATAQYW2 for all the regions. For more information, see Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name ( and AWS Regions and Endpoints for API Gateway (

DomainName => Str

The custom domain name as an API host name, for example,

EndpointConfiguration => Paws::ApiGateway::EndpointConfiguration

The endpoint configuration of this DomainName showing the endpoint types of the domain name.

RegionalCertificateArn => Str

The reference to an AWS-managed certificate that will be used for validating the regional domain name. AWS Certificate Manager is the only supported source.

RegionalCertificateName => Str

The name of the certificate that will be used for validating the regional domain name.

RegionalDomainName => Str

The domain name associated with the regional endpoint for this custom domain name. You set up this association by adding a DNS record that points the custom domain name to this regional domain name. The regional domain name is returned by API Gateway when you create a regional endpoint.

RegionalHostedZoneId => Str

The region-specific Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone ID of the regional endpoint. For more information, see Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name ( and AWS Regions and Endpoints for API Gateway (

_request_id => Str