Paws::AppStream - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon AppStream
use Paws;
my $obj = Paws->service('AppStream');
my $res = $obj->Method(
Arg1 => $val1,
Arg2 => [ 'V1', 'V2' ],
# if Arg3 is an object, the HashRef will be used as arguments to the constructor
# of the arguments type
Arg3 => { Att1 => 'Val1' },
# if Arg4 is an array of objects, the HashRefs will be passed as arguments to
# the constructor of the arguments type
Arg4 => [ { Att1 => 'Val1' }, { Att1 => 'Val2' } ],
Amazon AppStream 2.0
This is the Amazon AppStream 2.0 API Reference. This documentation provides descriptions and syntax for each of the actions and data types in AppStream 2.0. AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed, secure application streaming service that lets you stream desktop applications to users without rewriting applications. AppStream 2.0 manages the AWS resources that are required to host and run your applications, scales automatically, and provides access to your users on demand.
To learn more about AppStream 2.0, see the following resources:
Amazon AppStream 2.0 product page (
Amazon AppStream 2.0 documentation (
For the AWS API documentation, see
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::AssociateFleet
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::AssociateFleetResult instance
Associates the specified fleet with the specified stack.
- UserStackAssociations => ArrayRef[Paws::AppStream::UserStackAssociation]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::BatchAssociateUserStack
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::BatchAssociateUserStackResult instance
Associates the specified users with the specified stacks. Users in a user pool cannot be assigned to stacks with fleets that are joined to an Active Directory domain.
- UserStackAssociations => ArrayRef[Paws::AppStream::UserStackAssociation]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::BatchDisassociateUserStack
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::BatchDisassociateUserStackResult instance
Disassociates the specified users from the specified stacks.
- DestinationImageName => Str
- DestinationRegion => Str
- SourceImageName => Str
- [DestinationImageDescription => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CopyImage
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CopyImageResponse instance
Copies the image within the same region or to a new region within the same AWS account. Note that any tags you added to the image will not be copied.
- DirectoryName => Str
- OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
- ServiceAccountCredentials => Paws::AppStream::ServiceAccountCredentials
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CreateDirectoryConfig
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CreateDirectoryConfigResult instance
Creates a Directory Config object in AppStream 2.0. This object includes the configuration information required to join fleets and image builders to Microsoft Active Directory domains.
- ComputeCapacity => Paws::AppStream::ComputeCapacity
- InstanceType => Str
- Name => Str
- [Description => Str]
- [DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds => Int]
- [DisplayName => Str]
- [DomainJoinInfo => Paws::AppStream::DomainJoinInfo]
- [EnableDefaultInternetAccess => Bool]
- [FleetType => Str]
- [IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds => Int]
- [ImageArn => Str]
- [ImageName => Str]
- [MaxUserDurationInSeconds => Int]
- [Tags => Paws::AppStream::Tags]
- [VpcConfig => Paws::AppStream::VpcConfig]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CreateFleet
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CreateFleetResult instance
Creates a fleet. A fleet consists of streaming instances that run a specified image.
- InstanceType => Str
- Name => Str
- [AppstreamAgentVersion => Str]
- [Description => Str]
- [DisplayName => Str]
- [DomainJoinInfo => Paws::AppStream::DomainJoinInfo]
- [EnableDefaultInternetAccess => Bool]
- [ImageArn => Str]
- [ImageName => Str]
- [Tags => Paws::AppStream::Tags]
- [VpcConfig => Paws::AppStream::VpcConfig]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CreateImageBuilder
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CreateImageBuilderResult instance
Creates an image builder. An image builder is a virtual machine that is used to create an image.
The initial state of the builder is PENDING
. When it is ready, the state is RUNNING
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CreateImageBuilderStreamingURL
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CreateImageBuilderStreamingURLResult instance
Creates a URL to start an image builder streaming session.
- Name => Str
- [ApplicationSettings => Paws::AppStream::ApplicationSettings]
- [Description => Str]
- [DisplayName => Str]
- [FeedbackURL => Str]
- [RedirectURL => Str]
- [StorageConnectors => ArrayRef[Paws::AppStream::StorageConnector]]
- [Tags => Paws::AppStream::Tags]
- [UserSettings => ArrayRef[Paws::AppStream::UserSetting]]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CreateStack
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CreateStackResult instance
Creates a stack to start streaming applications to users. A stack consists of an associated fleet, user access policies, and storage configurations.
- FleetName => Str
- StackName => Str
- UserId => Str
- [ApplicationId => Str]
- [SessionContext => Str]
- [Validity => Int]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CreateStreamingURL
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CreateStreamingURLResult instance
Creates a temporary URL to start an AppStream 2.0 streaming session for the specified user. A streaming URL enables application streaming to be tested without user setup.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CreateUsageReportSubscription
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CreateUsageReportSubscriptionResult instance
Creates a usage report subscription. Usage reports are generated daily.
- AuthenticationType => Str
- UserName => Str
- [FirstName => Str]
- [LastName => Str]
- [MessageAction => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::CreateUser
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::CreateUserResult instance
Creates a new user in the user pool.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DeleteDirectoryConfig
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DeleteDirectoryConfigResult instance
Deletes the specified Directory Config object from AppStream 2.0. This object includes the information required to join streaming instances to an Active Directory domain.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DeleteFleet
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DeleteFleetResult instance
Deletes the specified fleet.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DeleteImage
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DeleteImageResult instance
Deletes the specified image. You cannot delete an image when it is in use. After you delete an image, you cannot provision new capacity using the image.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DeleteImageBuilder
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DeleteImageBuilderResult instance
Deletes the specified image builder and releases the capacity.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DeleteImagePermissions
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DeleteImagePermissionsResult instance
Deletes permissions for the specified private image. After you delete permissions for an image, AWS accounts to which you previously granted these permissions can no longer use the image.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DeleteStack
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DeleteStackResult instance
Deletes the specified stack. After the stack is deleted, the application streaming environment provided by the stack is no longer available to users. Also, any reservations made for application streaming sessions for the stack are released.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DeleteUsageReportSubscription
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DeleteUsageReportSubscriptionResult instance
Disables usage report generation.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DeleteUser
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DeleteUserResult instance
Deletes a user from the user pool.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeDirectoryConfigs
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeDirectoryConfigsResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified Directory Config objects for AppStream 2.0, if the names for these objects are provided. Otherwise, all Directory Config objects in the account are described. These objects include the configuration information required to join fleets and image builders to Microsoft Active Directory domains.
Although the response syntax in this topic includes the account password, this password is not returned in the actual response.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeFleets
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeFleetsResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified fleets, if the fleet names are provided. Otherwise, all fleets in the account are described.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeImageBuilders
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeImageBuildersResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified image builders, if the image builder names are provided. Otherwise, all image builders in the account are described.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeImagePermissions
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeImagePermissionsResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes the permissions for shared AWS account IDs on a private image that you own.
- [Arns => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
- [MaxResults => Int]
- [Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
- [NextToken => Str]
- [Type => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeImages
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeImagesResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified images, if the image names or image ARNs are provided. Otherwise, all images in the account are described.
- FleetName => Str
- StackName => Str
- [AuthenticationType => Str]
- [Limit => Int]
- [NextToken => Str]
- [UserId => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeSessions
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeSessionsResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes the streaming sessions for a specified stack and fleet. If a UserId is provided for the stack and fleet, only streaming sessions for that user are described. If an authentication type is not provided, the default is to authenticate users using a streaming URL.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeStacks
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeStacksResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified stacks, if the stack names are provided. Otherwise, all stacks in the account are described.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeUsageReportSubscriptions
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeUsageReportSubscriptionsResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes one or more usage report subscriptions.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeUsers
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeUsersResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified users in the user pool.
- [AuthenticationType => Str]
- [MaxResults => Int]
- [NextToken => Str]
- [StackName => Str]
- [UserName => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DescribeUserStackAssociations
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DescribeUserStackAssociationsResult instance
Retrieves a list that describes the UserStackAssociation objects. You must specify either or both of the following:
The stack name
The user name (email address of the user associated with the stack) and the authentication type for the user
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DisableUser
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DisableUserResult instance
Disables the specified user in the user pool. Users can't sign in to AppStream 2.0 until they are re-enabled. This action does not delete the user.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::DisassociateFleet
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::DisassociateFleetResult instance
Disassociates the specified fleet from the specified stack.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::EnableUser
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::EnableUserResult instance
Enables a user in the user pool. After being enabled, users can sign in to AppStream 2.0 and open applications from the stacks to which they are assigned.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::ExpireSession
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::ExpireSessionResult instance
Immediately stops the specified streaming session.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::ListAssociatedFleets
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::ListAssociatedFleetsResult instance
Retrieves the name of the fleet that is associated with the specified stack.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::ListAssociatedStacks
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::ListAssociatedStacksResult instance
Retrieves the name of the stack with which the specified fleet is associated.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::ListTagsForResource
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::ListTagsForResourceResponse instance
Retrieves a list of all tags for the specified AppStream 2.0 resource. You can tag AppStream 2.0 image builders, images, fleets, and stacks.
For more information about tags, see Tagging Your Resources ( in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Developer Guide.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::StartFleet
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::StartFleetResult instance
Starts the specified fleet.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::StartImageBuilder
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::StartImageBuilderResult instance
Starts the specified image builder.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::StopFleet
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::StopFleetResult instance
Stops the specified fleet.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::StopImageBuilder
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::StopImageBuilderResult instance
Stops the specified image builder.
- ResourceArn => Str
- Tags => Paws::AppStream::Tags
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::TagResource
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::TagResourceResponse instance
Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified AppStream 2.0 resource. You can tag AppStream 2.0 image builders, images, fleets, and stacks.
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. If a resource already has a tag with the same key, this operation updates its value.
To list the current tags for your resources, use ListTagsForResource. To disassociate tags from your resources, use UntagResource.
For more information about tags, see Tagging Your Resources ( in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Developer Guide.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::UntagResource
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::UntagResourceResponse instance
Disassociates one or more specified tags from the specified AppStream 2.0 resource.
To list the current tags for your resources, use ListTagsForResource.
For more information about tags, see Tagging Your Resources ( in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Developer Guide.
- DirectoryName => Str
- [OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
- [ServiceAccountCredentials => Paws::AppStream::ServiceAccountCredentials]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::UpdateDirectoryConfig
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::UpdateDirectoryConfigResult instance
Updates the specified Directory Config object in AppStream 2.0. This object includes the configuration information required to join fleets and image builders to Microsoft Active Directory domains.
- [AttributesToDelete => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
- [ComputeCapacity => Paws::AppStream::ComputeCapacity]
- [DeleteVpcConfig => Bool]
- [Description => Str]
- [DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds => Int]
- [DisplayName => Str]
- [DomainJoinInfo => Paws::AppStream::DomainJoinInfo]
- [EnableDefaultInternetAccess => Bool]
- [IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds => Int]
- [ImageArn => Str]
- [ImageName => Str]
- [InstanceType => Str]
- [MaxUserDurationInSeconds => Int]
- [Name => Str]
- [VpcConfig => Paws::AppStream::VpcConfig]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::UpdateFleet
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::UpdateFleetResult instance
Updates the specified fleet.
If the fleet is in the STOPPED
state, you can update any attribute except the fleet name. If the fleet is in the RUNNING
state, you can update the DisplayName
, ComputeCapacity
, ImageARN
, ImageName
, and DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds
attributes. If the fleet is in the STARTING
state, you can't update it.
- ImagePermissions => Paws::AppStream::ImagePermissions
- Name => Str
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::UpdateImagePermissions
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::UpdateImagePermissionsResult instance
Adds or updates permissions for the specified private image.
- Name => Str
- [ApplicationSettings => Paws::AppStream::ApplicationSettings]
- [AttributesToDelete => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
- [DeleteStorageConnectors => Bool]
- [Description => Str]
- [DisplayName => Str]
- [FeedbackURL => Str]
- [RedirectURL => Str]
- [StorageConnectors => ArrayRef[Paws::AppStream::StorageConnector]]
- [UserSettings => ArrayRef[Paws::AppStream::UserSetting]]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::AppStream::UpdateStack
Returns: a Paws::AppStream::UpdateStackResult instance
Updates the specified fields for the specified stack.
Paginator methods are helpers that repetively call methods that return partial results
DescribeAllDirectoryConfigs(sub { },[DirectoryNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
DescribeAllDirectoryConfigs([DirectoryNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- DirectoryConfigs, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'DirectoryConfigs' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::DescribeDirectoryConfigsResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
DescribeAllFleets(sub { },[Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], NextToken => Str])
DescribeAllFleets([Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- Fleets, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Fleets' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::DescribeFleetsResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
DescribeAllImageBuilders(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], NextToken => Str])
DescribeAllImageBuilders([MaxResults => Int, Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- ImageBuilders, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'ImageBuilders' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::DescribeImageBuildersResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
DescribeAllImages(sub { },[Arns => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], MaxResults => Int, Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], NextToken => Str, Type => Str])
DescribeAllImages([Arns => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], MaxResults => Int, Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], NextToken => Str, Type => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- Images, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Images' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::DescribeImagesResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
DescribeAllSessions(sub { },FleetName => Str, StackName => Str, [AuthenticationType => Str, Limit => Int, NextToken => Str, UserId => Str])
DescribeAllSessions(FleetName => Str, StackName => Str, [AuthenticationType => Str, Limit => Int, NextToken => Str, UserId => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- Sessions, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Sessions' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::DescribeSessionsResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
DescribeAllStacks(sub { },[Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], NextToken => Str])
DescribeAllStacks([Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- Stacks, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Stacks' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::DescribeStacksResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
DescribeAllUsers(sub { },AuthenticationType => Str, [MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
DescribeAllUsers(AuthenticationType => Str, [MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- Users, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Users' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::DescribeUsersResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
DescribeAllUserStackAssociations(sub { },[AuthenticationType => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str, StackName => Str, UserName => Str])
DescribeAllUserStackAssociations([AuthenticationType => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str, StackName => Str, UserName => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- UserStackAssociations, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'UserStackAssociations' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::DescribeUserStackAssociationsResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
ListAllAssociatedFleets(sub { },StackName => Str, [NextToken => Str])
ListAllAssociatedFleets(StackName => Str, [NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- Names, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Names' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::ListAssociatedFleetsResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
ListAllAssociatedStacks(sub { },FleetName => Str, [NextToken => Str])
ListAllAssociatedStacks(FleetName => Str, [NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- Names, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Names' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::AppStream::ListAssociatedStacksResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
This service class forms part of Paws
The source code is located here:
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