Revision history for Perl extension Win32::Console::ANSI

0.01  2002/11/01
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-A -X -n Win32::ANSIConsole version 0.01 beta

0.02  2003/07/13
  - module renamed Win32::Console::ANSI for the CPAN (brian d foy)
  - this module use now the module Encode for codepages conversion.
    Thanks to Benjamin Goldberg for the suggestion.
  - added more escape sequences for compatibility with Term::ANSIScreen.
    Thanks to Autrijus Tang for the encouragements.
  - fixed a bug about format. Thanks to Josh Spohr to report it.

0.03  2003/07/21
  - bug: print $s; with $s undef gives two error messages.
    fixed: now the module croaks.
  - bug: print "\e[m" x 100; dies with error message:
    Deep recursion on subroutine "Win32::Console::ANSI::IO::_PrintString"
    fixed: the routine is now iterative, not recursive.
  - bug: \e(K now restore the original code page.
  - fixed some typo in doc and