pmarad - Perl implementation of the Marad board game
Marad is a game for two players that takes place on a nine by nine board.
The cursor may be moved using rogue(6) keys:
y k u
\ | /
h - . - l
/ | \
b j n
Navigate the cursor to a piece you own and select it with space or enter. To cancel a selection, hit escape. To move a selected piece, move the cursor to some other square then hit space or enter again. If the move is valid, the piece will move, and the second player can now make their move.
Hit Q to quit the game.
A move count (between 1 and 4) is displayed on the side of the player whose turn it is. A piece will move by this amount, pushing anything in the way, unless something is stopped by the edge of the board.
The pieces move somewhat like in chess, except for how far they move being determined at random. The King (K
or k
) can move in any direction; the Bishop (B
or b
) only diagonal and the Rook (R
or r
) only in straight lines.
To score points, any piece must be moved and end the turn in the center square.
The usual gameplay alternates setting your pieces up to score points, moving them to score points, and the perhaps less important task of preventing the opposing player from scoring points or pushing your pieces out of the way.
gemini:// - game rules - has a RULES file
Jeremy Mates
Curses must be installed for pmarad
, but is not required by the installation of Game::Marad.
The interface is pretty minimal.