Revision history for Game::Xomb
1.02 2020-03-19 16:15 UTC
* only check for passive effects on MINERAL not also VEGGIE.
simplify the passive_* calls a bit
* remove unused load_map()
* report Amulet proximity after any environmental effects
* rework scoring function to use exact AMULET value, more points for
visiting deeper levels, more points if actually win
* tests of more of the code, and fix various broken tests
* tweak gems and some other things too
1.01 2020-03-14 03:25 UTC
* switch RNG to Jenkins Small Fast -- "A small noncryptographic PRNG"
* save keystrokes to file and support replay from that
* cleanup map generation logic. now possible for gems to
generate on top of gates, in acid, monsters atop rubble, the
player in acid, etc
* add some map generation sanity tests (t/mapgen.t)
* custom features for (the optional) level 5 instead of simply
duplicating level 4 (L5 is now more difficult)
* rework Fungi due to $iters and distance() differences; Fungi
splash confines itself to FOV; Fungi cannot zap through walls
* various other fixes, improvements, and regressions
1.00 2020-03-07 15:45 UTC
* 7DRL 2020 release version
* bugfix: remove debug logfile redirect
* examine mode shows range and coordinate details
* make Fungi more relevant by having them camp resources
* Stalkers get = for shots so they can be distinguished from Railgun
or Gatling fire
* update_* cleanups to remove old/duplicate variables and thus fix
and create some old and new bugs
* try to only delay the game if the player is hit or something
visible happens in the FOV
* various other fixes, improvements, and regressions
0.20 2020-03-06 17:56 UTC
* the first at least not hopelessly buggy release
7DRL 2020 - start time 2020-02-29 18:00 UTC