Music::LilyPondUtil - utility methods for lilypond data
use Music::LilyPondUtil;
my $lyu = Music::LilyPondUtil->new;
my $pitch = $lyu->notes2pitches("c'") # 60
$lyu->notes2pitches("c'") # 0
my $note = $lyu->p2ly(60) # c'
my @bach = $lyu->p2ly(qw/60 62 64 65 62 64 60 67 72 71 72 74/)
# c d e f d e c g' c b c d
$lyu->p2ly(qw/0 1023 79 77 -384/); # c dis g f c
$lyu->p2ly(qw/2 9 5 2 1 2/); # d a f d des d
Utility methods for interacting with lilypond (as of version 2.16), most notably for the conversion of random integers to lilypond note names (there, and back again). The Western 12-tone system is assumed.
The note conversions parse the lilypond defaults, including enharmonic equivalents such as bes
or ceses
(for C double flat or more simply B flat) and bis
(B sharp or C natural) but not any microtonal cih
, beh
nor any other conventions. Lilypond output is restricted to all sharps or all flats (set via a parameter), and never emits double sharps nor double flats. Pitch numbers are integers, and might be the MIDI note numbers, or based around 0, or whatever, depending on the need and the parameters set.
The module will throw errors via croak if an abnormal condition is encountered.
- new optional params
Constructor. Optional parameters include:
chrome to set the accidental style (
). Mixing flats and sharps is not supported. (Under no circumstances are double sharps or double flats emitted, though the module does know how to read those.)ignore_register a boolean that if set causes notes2pitches to only return values from 0..11. The default is to include the register information in the resulting pitch. Set this option if feeding data to atonal routines, for example those in Music::AtonalUtil.
keep_state a boolean, enabled by default, that will maintain state on the previous pitch in the p2ly call. State is not maintained across separate calls to p2ly (see also the sticky_state param).
Disabling this option will remove all register notation from both
modes.mode to set
mode. Default isabsolute
. Altering this changes how both notes2pitches and p2ly operate. Create two instances of the object if this is a problem, and set the appropriate mode for the appropriate routine.p2n_hook to set a custom code reference for the pitch to note conversion (see source for details, untested, use at own risk, blah blah blah).
sticky_state a boolean, disabled by default, that if enabled, will maintain the previous pitch state across separate calls to p2ly, assuming keep_state is also enabled, and again only in
mode.strip_rests boolean that informs notes2pitches as to whether rests should be omitted. By default, rests are returned as undefined values.
(Canon or fugue related calculations, in particular, need the rests, as otherwise the wrong notes line up with one another in the comparative lists. An alternative approach would be to convert notes to start times and durations (among other metadata), and ignore rests, but that would take more work to implement. It would, however, better suit larger data sets.)
- chrome optional sharps or flats
Get/set accidental style.
- clear_prev_note
For use with notes2pitches. Wipes out the previous note (the state variable used with sticky_state enabled in
mode to maintain state across multiple calls to notes2pitches. - clear_prev_pitch
For use with p2ly. Wipes out the previous pitch (the state variable used with sticky_state enabled in
mode to maintain state across multiple calls to p2ly). Be sure to call this method after completing any standalone chord or phrase, as otherwise any subsequent p2ly calls will use the previously cached pitch. - ignore_register optional boolean
Get/set ignore_register param.
- keep_state optional boolean
Get/set keep_state param.
- mode optional relative or absolute
Get/set the mode of operation.
- notes2pitches list of note names or pitch numbers
Converts note names to pitches. Raw pitch numbers (integers) are passed through as is. Lilypond non-note
in any case are converted to undefined values (likewise for notes adorned with\rest
). Otherwise, lilypond note names (c
, etc.) and registers ('
, etc.) are converted to a pitch number. The ignore_register and strip_rests options can influence the output for common needs. Use the prev_note method to set what a\relative d'' { ...
statement in lilypond would do:$lyu->prev_note(q{d''}); $lyu->notes2pitches(qw/d g fis g a g fis e/);
Returns list of pitches (integers), or single pitch as scalar if only a single pitch was input.
- p2ly list of pitches or whatnot
Converts a list of pitches (integers or objects that have a pitch method that returns an integer) to a list of lilypond note names. Unknown data will be passed through as is. Returns said converted list. The behavior of this method depends heavily on various parameters that can be passed to new or called as various methods.
- prev_note optional note
For use with notes2pitches. Get/set previous note (the state variable used with sticky_state enabled in
mode to maintain state across multiple calls to p2ly). Optionally accepts only a note (for example,ces,
), and always returns the current previous note (which may be unset), which will be the pitch of the diatonic of the note provided (e.g.ces,
will return the pitch forc,
, andfisfis'''
the pitch forf'''
). - prev_pitch optional pitch
For use with p2ly. Get/set previous pitch (the state variable used with sticky_state enabled in
mode to maintain state across multiple calls to p2ly). - sticky_state optional boolean
Get/set sticky_state param.
- strip_rests optional boolean
Get/set strip_rests param.
SEE ALSO and most notably the Learning and Notation manuals.
App::MusicTools whose command line tools make use of this module.
Jeremy Mates, <>
Copyright (C) 2012 by Jeremy Mates
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.16 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.