Perlcast::Interviews - Transcriptions of Perlcast Interviews
- Perlcast::Interviews::001 - brian d foy on The Perl Review
- Perlcast::Interviews::002 - Ian Langworth and chromatic on Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook
- Perlcast::Interviews::003 - Damian Conway on Perl Best Practices
- Perlcast::Interviews::004 - Peter Scott on Perl Medic
- Perlcast::Interviews::005 - Chris Brooks on Talkr
- Perlcast::Interviews::006 - Casey West on JSAN
- Perlcast::Interviews::007 - Adam Kennedy on PPI
- Perlcast::Interviews::008 - Shane Caraveo on ActiveState's Komodo
- Perlcast::Interviews::009 - Jesse Vincent on RT
- Perlcast::Interviews::010 - Larry Wall on Perl
- Perlcast::Interviews::011 - Andy Lester on The Perl Foundation
- Perlcast::Interviews::012 - Chris Frenz on Pro Perl Parsing
- Perlcast::Interviews::013 - Randal Schwartz on Perl
- Perlcast::Interviews::014 - Richard Foley on Pro Perl Debugging
- Perlcast::Interviews::015 - Peter Wainwright on Pro Perl
- Perlcast::Interviews::016 - Jason Stajich on BioPerl
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perldoc Perlcast
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The transcription effort has been driven by...
Ron Blaschke
Copyright 2005-2006 Josh McAdams, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.