App::Prun::Scaled - Provides the sprun script as a command line interface to Parallel::ForkManager::Scaled.
Version 0.01
for nr in `seq 1 100`; do echo "echo command #$nr" | sprun
sprun command_file_to_run_in_parallel
sprun allows you to utilize multiple CPUs for some workloads from the shell more easily.
sprun takes a list of commands (stdin and/or from file(s)) and run the commands in parallel.
sprun is a CLI front end to Paralell::ForkManager::Scaled. It runs commands in parallel while trying to keep the CPUs at a specified level of activity by constantly adjusting the number of running processes.
sprun --help
There are also examples available from the command line --help.
Run tkprof against all .trc files in the current directory while attempting to keep the system 75% idle, don't adjust the number of processes unless idle time goes below 74 or above 76, and re-evaluate after each process exits (update frequency = 0).
for F in *.trc; do echo "tkprof $F ${F%trc}txt"; done | sprun -t 75 -T 2 -u 0
Run all commands in a file (command_file), one line at a time. Manually bound the minimum and maximum number of processes to run and start with 4. Keep the CPU 100% busy (0% idle) and re-evaluate at most every 3 seconds. Ignore any failed processes, but do report to STDOUT any that fail.
sprun -e -r -m 2 -M 8 -i 4 -u 3 command_file
Jason McCarver <>
This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Jason McCarver
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.