Changes for version 2.22

  • Added JPEG support.
  • Added 29_process_jpg.t test for jpg dimension processing.
  • Turned off compatibility_mode() in Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big which was on by accident.
  • Added "Warning about Office Service Pack 3" section to the docs to explain Excel warnings with duplicate data.
  • Expanded "Dates and Time in Excel" section of the docs.
  • Added isa() to _process_images() to allow subclassing. Reported by David Worenklein.


A utility to extract charts from an Excel file for insertion into a Spreadsheet::WriteExcel file.
A utility to extract charts from an Excel file for insertion into a Spreadsheet::WriteExcel file.


Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file.
An abstract base class for Excel workbooks and worksheets.
A class for creating Excel files > 7MB.
A writer class for Excel Charts.
A class for defining Excel formatting.
A class for generating Excel formulas
A writer class to store BIFF data in a OLE compound storage file.
Helper functions for Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
A writer class for Excel Workbooks.
A writer class for Excel Workbooks > 7MB.
A writer class for Excel Worksheets.
