Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector - Array as an individual for evolutionary computation


    use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector;
    my $indi = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector 10 ; # Build random vector individual with length 10
                                   # Each element in the range 0 .. 1
    my $indi2 = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector 20, -5, 5; #Same, with range between -5 and 5

    #Creating a vector step by step. In Perl, there's always more than one way of doing it
    my $indi3 = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector;
    $indi3->set( {length => 20,
		  rangestart => -5,
		  rangeend => 5 } );   #Sets values, but does not build the array
    $indi3->randomize(); #Creates an array using above parameters

    print $indi3->Atom( 7 );       #Returns the value of the 7th character
    $indi3->Atom( 3 ) = '2.35';       #Sets the value

    $indi3->addAtom( 7.5 ); #Adds a new component to the array at the end

    my $indi4 = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector->fromString( '3.5,4.5, 0.1, 3.2');
       #Parses the comma-separated elements of the string and creates a Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector from them

    my $indi5 = $indi4->clone(); #Creates a copy of the individual

    my @array = qw( 3.5 4.8 3.3 4.2 0.23); #Tie a vector individual
    tie my @vector, 'Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Vector', @array;
    print tied( @vector )->asXML();

    print $indi3->as_string(); #Prints the individual
    print $indi3->asXML() #Prints it as XML. See L<XML> for more info on this

Base Class



Array individual for a EA. Generally used for floating-point arrays. It can be also TIEd so that it can be handled as a normal array.


new( [$length = 10] [, $start_of_range = 0] [, $end_of_range = 1] )

Creates a new random array individual, with fixed initial length, and uniform distribution of values within a range


Returns vector size (dimension)

set( $ref_to_hash )

Sets values of an individual; takes a hash as input. The array is initialized to a null array, and the start and end range are initialized by default to 0 and 1


Assigns random values to the elements


Gets or sets the value of an atom


Adds an atom at the end


Returns the number of atoms in the individual

fromString( $string )

Similar to a copy ctor; creates a vector individual from a string composed of stuff separated by a separator


Similar to a copy ctor: creates a new individual from another one


Prints it, including fitness. OK, this is a bit confusing


Prints just the chromosome, not the fitness


Prints it as XML. See the Algorithm::Evolutionary::XML OPEAL manual for details.

Chrom( [$ref_to_array]

Sets or gets the array that holds the chromosome. Not very nice, and I would never ever do this in C++


This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
or go to

CVS Info: $Date: 2008/09/12 18:31:02 $ 
$Header: /cvsroot/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Individual/,v 1.3 2008/09/12 18:31:02 jmerelo Exp $ 
$Author: jmerelo $ 
$Revision: 1.3 $
$Name $