Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Creator - Operator that generates groups of individuals, of the intended class
my $op = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Creator; #Creates empty op, with rate
my $xmlStr=<<EOC;
<op name='Creator' type='nullary'>
<param name='number' value='20' />
<param name='class' value='BitString' />
<param name='options'>
<param name='length' value='320 />
my $ref = XMLin($xmlStr); #This step is not really needed; only if it's going to be manipulated by another object
my $op = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Base->fromXML( $ref ); #Takes a hash of parsed XML and turns it into an operator
print $op->asXML(); #print its back in XML shape
my $op2 = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Creator( 20, 'String', { chars => [a..j], length => '10' });
my @pop;
$op2->apply( \@pop ); #Generates population
Base class for operators applied to Individuals and Populations and all the rest
new( $number_of_individuals, $class_to_generate, $options_hash )
Takes a hash with specific parameters for each subclass, creates the object, and leaves subclass-specific assignments to subclasses
apply( $population_hash )
Generates the population according to the parameters passed in the ctor
Serializes the object as an XML nodeset
set( $params_hash )
Sets the instance variables of the object, which, so far, should be a bit "raw". Usually called from the base class
This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
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CVS Info: $Date: 2009/02/04 20:43:14 $
$Header: /cvsroot/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Op/,v 2.1 2009/02/04 20:43:14 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 2.1 $
$Name $