Algorithm::Evolutionary::Utils - Container module with a hodgepodge of functions
use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Utils qw(entropy);
my $this_entropy = entropy( $population );
#Computes consensus sequence (for binary chromosomes
my $this_consensus = consensus( $population);
Miscellaneous class that contains functions that might be useful somewhere else, especially when computing EA statistics.
entropy( $population)
Computes the entropy using the well known Shannon's formula: 'to avoid botching highlighting
hamming( $string_a, $string_b )
Computes the number of positions that are different among two strings
consensus( $population, $rough = 0 )
Consensus sequence representing the majoritary value for each bit; returns the consensus string. If "rough", then the bit is set only if the difference is bigger than 0.4 (70/30 proportion)
average( $population )
Computes an average of population fitness
random_bitstring( $bits )
Returns a random bitstring with the stated number of bits. Useful for testing,mainly
parse_xml( $string )
Parses the string and returns an XML tree
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CVS Info: $Date: 2009/03/29 09:42:41 $
$Header: /cvsroot/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/,v 2.6 2009/03/29 09:42:41 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 2.6 $
$Name $