Algorithm::Evolutionary - Perl module for performing paradigm-free evolutionary algorithms.


#Short way of loading a lot of modules, POE-style
use Algorithm::Evolutionary qw( Op::This_Operator

# other modules with explicit importation
use Algorihtm::Evolutionary::Utils (this_util that_util);   


Algorithm::Evolutionary is a set of classes for doing object-oriented evolutionary computation in Perl. Why would anyone want to do that escapes my knowledge, but, in fact, we have found it quite useful for our own purposes. Same as Perl itself.

The design principle of Algorithm::Evolutionary is flexibility: it should be very easy to extend using this library, and it should be also quite easy to program what's already there in the evolutionary computation community. Besides, the library classes should have persistence provided by XML modules, and, in some cases, YAML.

The algorithm allows to create simple evolutionary algorithms, as well as more complex ones, that interface with databases or with the web.

The project is hosted at Sourceforge . Latest aditions, and nightly updates, can be downloaded from there before they are uploaded to CPAN. That page also hosts the mailing list, as well as bug reports, news, updates, whatever.

In case the examples are hidden somewhere in the .cpan directory, you can also download them from the CVS repository, and the -examples tarballs in the file download area of that repository

You can also get help from the project forum (where I usually hang around) or from the mailing list (information at its web site)

It might be also helpful for you to check out Still doing evolutionary algorithms with Perl, a gentle introduction to evolutionary algorithms in general and doing them using this module in particular.

I have used this continously for my research all these year, and any search will return a number of papers; a journal article is already submitted, but meanwhile if you use it for any of your research, I would be very grateful if you quoted papers such as this one:

   author =	"Juan J. Merelo and  Antonio M. Mora and Pedro A. Castillo
                 and Juan L. J. Laredo and Lourdes Araujo and Ken C. Sharman
                 and Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar and Eva Alfaro-Cid
                 and Carlos Cotta",
   title =	"Testing the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis: Effect of
                 Asynchronous Population Incorporation on Multi-Deme
                 Evolutionary Algorithms",
   booktitle =	"Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN X",
   year = 	"2008",
   editor =	"Gunter Rudolph and Thomas Jansen and Simon Lucas and
		  Carlo Poloni and Nicola Beume",
   volume =	"5199",
   series =	"LNCS",
   pages =	"266-275",
   address =	"Dortmund",
   month =	"13-17 " # sep,
   publisher =	"Springer",
   keywords =	"genetic algorithms, genetic programming, p2p computing",
   ISBN = 	"3-540-87699-5",
   doi =  	"10.1007/978-3-540-87700-4_27",
   size = 	"pages",
   notes =	"PPSN X",

or the one linked above.

Some information on this paper and instructions for downloading the code used in it can be found in our group blog


Head to the CPAN forum for this module:


Have you found any bugs? Use the CPAN tracker to inform about them ( or email the author (below) or


Main author and developer is J. J. Merelo, jmerelo (at) who blogs at BloJJ and twitters at There have also been some contributions from Javi García, fjgc (at) and Pedro Castillo, pedro (at) Patient users that have submitted bugs include jamarier. Bugs, requests and any kind of comment are welcome. Alex Muntada, from the Barcelona Perl Mongers, helped me to solve a problem with the Makefile.PL.


There are a few examples in the examples subdirectory, which should have been included with your CPAN bundle. For instance, check out, an example of floating point vector optimization, or cd examples; p_peaks.yaml, which should run an example of a simple GA on the P_Peaks deceptive function.

Some other examples are installed: check out, and, which you can run and play with to get a taste of what EA programming is like, and then ammend, add and modify at leisure to create your own evolutionary algorithms. For a GUI example, check, which uses Tk to show the population and its evolution.


XML for an explanation of the XML format used
POE::Component::Algorithm::Evolutionary if you want to mix evolutionary algorithms with anything else easily

You might also be interested in one of the other perl GA and evolutionary computation modules out there, such as AI::Genetic::Pro


This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
or go to

CVS Info: $Date: 2009/07/30 07:48:48 $ 
$Header: /cvsroot/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/,v 3.6 2009/07/30 07:48:48 jmerelo Exp $ 
$Author: jmerelo $ 
$Revision: 3.6 $

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 105:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Esparcia-Alcázar'. Assuming CP1252