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use strict;
use YAML qw(Load);
local $YAML::LoadBlessed = 1;
BEGIN { plan 'no_plan' };
use lib qw( lib ../lib ../../lib ); #Just in case we are testing it in-place
my $size = 16;
#Use: module name, args to ctor.
my $primitives = { sum => [2, -1, 1],
multiply => [2, -1, 1],
substract => [2, -1, 1],
divide => [2, -1, 1],
x => [0, -10, 10],
y => [0, -10, 10] };
my %modulesToTest = ( String => [['a'..'z'],$size ],
BitString => [$size],
Vector => [$size],
Bit_Vector => [{length => $size }],
Tree => [$primitives, $size/4 ] );
#Subroutine that tests and creates an op. Takes as argument
#the name of the op and a ref-to-array with the arguments to new
sub createAndTest ($$;$) {
my $module = shift || die "No module name";
my $newArgs = shift || die "No args";
my $class = "Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::$module";
#require module
eval " require $class" || die "Can't load module $class: $@";
my $nct = new $class @$newArgs;
print "Testing $module\n";
isa_ok( $nct, $class );
if ( $module ne 'Tree' ) {
is( $nct->size(), $size, "Size" );
} else {
is( $nct->size(), 1, "Size" );
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nct->size(); $i ++ ) {
is( defined( $nct->Atom($i)), 1, "Atom($i)");
my $yaml = $nct->as_yaml();
my $fromyaml = Load($yaml);
ok( $yaml, $fromyaml->as_yaml());
return $nct;
use_ok( 'Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Base' );
my @ops= Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Base->my_operators();
ok( $ops[0], 'None');
my %indis;
for ( keys %modulesToTest ) {
my $indi = createAndTest( $_, $modulesToTest{$_});
$indis{ ref $_ } = $indi;
=head1 Copyright
This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
CVS Info: $Date: 2009/07/24 08:46:59 $
$Header: /media/Backup/Repos/opeal/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/t/individuals.t,v 3.0 2009/07/24 08:46:59 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 3.0 $
$Name $