MP3::Podcast - Perl extension for podcasting directories full of MP3 files
use MP3::Podcast;
my $dirbase = shift;
my $urlbase = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $pod = MP3::Podcast->new($dirbase,$urlbase);
my $rss = $pod->podcast( $dir, "This is a test" );
print $rss->as_string;
Create podcast easily from directories, using MP3's own info.
Creates a podcast, basically a RSS feed for a directory full of MP3 files.
Takes information from the MP3 files themselves; it needs MP3 files with
their ID tags completed.
The bundle includes two programs in the C<examples> dir: C<>,
used this way:
bash% ./ <dirbase> <urlbase> <dir to scan>
that generates a static RSS from a dir, and C<podcast.cgi>, to use from a
webserver. To use it, copy podcast.cgi and podcast.conf to a cgi-serviceable
dir; edit podcast.conf to your liking and copy it to the directory you want.
Copy also .podcast to the directory you want served as a podcast (this is done
mainly to avoid dir-creeping), and also drop
edit also the path to fetch the MP3::Podcast lib, and call it with
The name of the directory to scan will be taken from the URI
- new
Creates the object. Takes basic info as input
- podcast
Creates the podcast for a dir, that is, an RSS file with enclosures containing the MP3s it can find in that dir. Information to fill RSS fields is contained in the ID3 fields of the MP3 files. Returns an XML::RSS object, which you can manipulate, if you feel like doing so
Info on podcasting: Podcast in perl: Podcastamatic: Examples in the examples
Juan Julian Merelo Guervos, <>. Thanks to Juan Schwidth <> for patches, suggestion and encouragement.
Copyright 2005 by Juan Julian Merelo Guervos
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 57:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 127:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'