YAML::Yuyu - Easily create presentations from a YAML file.


    my $yuyu = new YAML::Yuyu( path => $path, 
                                 plantilla => 'plantilla.tmpl',
                                 contenido => 'contenido.yaml' ); 

    # From an array of pre-loaded or programatically created slides 
    use YAML qw(LoadFile);
    @slides = LoadFile('yourslides.yaml');
    my $yuyu = new YAML::Yuyu( path => $path, 
                               plantilla => 'plantilla.tmpl',
                               contenido => \@slides  ); 
    # From a glob; v. gr. data behind the __END__ marker
    my $yuyu3 = YAML::Yuyu->new( path => $path, 
			         plantilla => $plantilla, 
			         contenido => \*main::DATA );

    my $nth_slide = $yuyu->slide( $n ); 
    my $front_page = $yuyu->portada();
    my $index = $yuyu->index();


Derived from Object::props, which is a way cool module, this module loads a YAML from which it derives a presentation: index, slides, and so on. It can be used from another module, but you'll usually want to do it from the scripts for standalone presentations (with its own web server, no less) or to generate a single or several HTML pages you'll want to present from somewhere else or upload to a website.


Stand-alone presentation tool. It will use default templates, if none is indicated

bash$ yuyupress presentation.yaml [path-to-templates] [template(s)] 

Generate a web page with the presentation

bash$ yuyugen presentation.yaml [path-to-templates] [template(s)]



portada is the main page; it returns the title and general front matter for the presentation


slide( $slide_number) returns the $slide_number'th slide from the presentation


Returns the presentation index


This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
or go to

CVS Info: $Date: 2008/02/11 13:03:55 $
$Header: /home/jmerelo/repos/yuyupress/lib/YAML/,v 1.15 2008/02/11 13:03:55 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 1.15 $