OpenOffice::OODoc installation (2010-01-06)
Perl >= 5.8.0
Archive::Zip >= 1.18
XML::Twig >= 3.32
Time::Local >= 1.07
File::Temp >= 0.12
Uncompress the distribution archive, enter the
directory and (as system administrator), type the following commands:
perl Makefile.PL [options]
make test
make install
For MSWin32, "make" can be replaced by "nmake". If the Microsoft NMAKE
utility is not present in your environment, you can get it at
If Archive::Zip and XML::Twig are already installed, this CPAN
installation works without a C compiler, because OpenOffice::OODoc is
pure Perl. Otherwise, if these required modules are not installed and
if you don't have a C development environment, you should use another
distribution (such as the PPM one for ActivePerl, if available) instead,
knowing that the CPAN Archive::Zip and XML::Twig distributions can
indirectly bring a lot of C source code.
You will be prompted for the local character set (default = utf8), an
optional color map (default = none), the working directory path
(default = current directory of each application), and the default
file format (OOo 1.0 or ODF, default = ODF). The defaults are convenient
is most situations; however the following explanations could prove
The default local character set is 'utf8', but it may be anyone of the
character sets supported by the Encode Perl module. The standard ODF
internal character set is always utf8 but the OpenOffice::OODoc module
transparently allows the applications to deal with the text content as
if it was natively in their local, possibly non-utf8 character set. The
appropriate transcoding is automatically provided, according to the
declared local character set.
The role of the optional color map file is to allow the programmer to
use symbolic names instead of RGB values for color attributes, knowing
that OpenOffice::OODoc allows the applications to specify color
parameters in some situation (characters, backgrounds, shapes, borders,
and so on). Each line of this configuration file, if provided, should
have the following structure:
R G B name
where 'R', 'G' and 'B' are integer values in the 0-255 range for red,
green and blue, and 'name' is an arbitrary symbolic name for the given
RGB combination. Example:
135 206 235 SkyBlue
The line above in the color map file allows the application programmer
to use "SkyBlue" as a replacement for the [135,206,235] list with a
color definition function. Such a file may be created by the user or
borrowed to the environment. For example, the standard RGB file that is
available in a typical X-Window or Xorg environment may be used as is or
customized (this file is often located at /etc/X11/rgb.txt on Unix-like
platforms, and it may be downloaded on any non-Unix platform).
The choice of the working directory may be a sensitive choice in
constrained environments and/or for long-running processes, while it's
generally not an issue in a typical office environment. Each time a
document is created or updated, OpenOffice::OODoc generates intermediate
files which are automatically deleted after use (some of them can remain
in case of crash only). The default path is ".", meaning that these
intermediate files will be created in the current directory of each
application; if needed, it may be replaced by any absolute or relative
path. In distributed environments, it's recommended to specify a
location in a local filesystem for performance reasons.
For historical reasons, OpenOffice::OODoc supports both the primary 1.0 file format (now deprecated) and the present standard
Open Document Format (ODF). By default, ODF is the preferred format,
and it's strongly recommended to let this configuration parameter
unchanged. The choice of a preferred format doesn't prevent the
applications to process documents in the other format; the format that
is declared as "preferred" will just be selected to create any new
document, but OpenOffice::OODoc will not change the format of an
existing document. Be careful: knowing that the legacy
1.0 format is disappearing, it will not necessarily supported by future
versions of OpenOffice::OODoc. OpenOffice::OODoc currently supports
ODF 1.0 to 1.2; however, it doesn't include any validating feature, so
the users are not prevented from using its API to insert custom,
non-standard XML constructs in the documents.
- the preferred file format, to be used when you create a new
document from scratch (answer "1" for, "2" for OASIS
OpenDocument Format, default is "2").
The interactivity can be avoided by the --noprompt option.
The parameters can be provided at the command line with (respectively)
the --encoding <encoding>, --colormap <file>, --workdir <path> and
--format <number> options. Example:
perl Makefile.PL --noprompt --workdir "C:\Temp" --encoding "cp1252"
The full customization step can be avoided with the --noconfig option.
If this option is used, all the default values are installed.
These options define installation-level default values only; each of
these values can be overridden by the applications (thanks, for
example, to the odfLocalEncoding(), odfWorkingDirectory() and
odfLoadColorMap() functions). The installation-level options are stored
in a XML file (OODoc/config.xml) below the installation directory.
This file can be manually edited at any time after the installation
in order to change any parameter.
A variable $OpenOffice::OODoc::INSTALLATION_DATE is available for the
applications; it contains the installation date in ISO-8601 format.
If the customization has been skipped (due to the --noconfig option),
this variable contains the packaging date of the distribution.
Caution, this value is significant if the installation has been done
from the original CPAN distribution only.
The date of the original CPAN package is provided by the variable
If the installation is successful, the test procedure generates a
document, writes some content in it, and checks the result. This
document is named 'odftest.odt' or 'ootest.sxw' (according to your
default file format) and resides in the working directory of the
installation. You can later check this document with a compatible
text processor or viewer.
A Perl executable script, oodoc_version, is provided in the package.
After a successful installation using the CPAN distribution,
this script displays the version number, the package build date,
and the installation path. A more sophisticated script, oodoc_test,
is provided as an executable example; this script generates a document
which may be checked using an ODF-compatible text processor. Be careful,
while both oodoc_version and oodoc_test are provided in the original
CPAN distribution, they are not necessarily available in any derived
OpenOffice::OODoc package.