Devel::CoverX::Covered::Db - Covered database collection and reporting


Error handling model

Failures will result in a die.



The directory for the cover_db.


DBIx::Simple $db object. Created lazily under "dir".


Subref called for each $file processed, $report_file->($file).


Regex matching test files to skip.

Default: matches prove and prove.bat


connect_to_db() : DBIx::Simple $db

Connect to the covered db and return the new DBIx::Simple object.

If there is no db at all, create it first.

create_db($db_file) : DBIx::Simple $db

Create $db_file with the correct schema.

Return newly created DBIx::Simple $db object.

schema_version() : $version_string

Return a version number of the schema.

in_transaction($subref) : $ret

Run $subref->() in a transaction and return the return value of $subref in scalar context.

If anything dies inside $subref, roll back and rethrow exception.

collect_runs() : 1

Collect coverage statistics for test runs in "dir".

get_run_dirs() : @dirs

Return list of directories for test runs under the "dir".

collect_run($cover_db) : 1 | 0

Collect coverage statistics for the test run Devel::Cover::DB $cover_db.

Don't collect coverage for eval (-e), nor for any test file matching rex_skip_calling_file.

Return 1 if the test run was collected, else 0.

calling_file_name($cover_db) : $calling_file_name | ""

Extract the $calling_file_name from $cover_db and return it.

Return "" if it's not a suitable calling file, or the callinging file is on the skip list. Warn with specifics.

is_calling_file_name_valid($file_name) : 1 | 0

Return 1 if $file_name is a valid calling file name, else 0.

It may be invalid because of unsuitability, or because it was skipped. Warn if skipped.

reset_calling_file($calling_file_name) : 1

Clear out the stored data related to $calling_file_name.

report_metric_coverage(metric_type, calling_file, covered_file, covered_row, covered_sub_name, metric) : 1

Report the coverage metric defined by the parameters.

Make all file paths relative to "dir" if possible.

get_file_id($file_name) : $file_id

Return the db id of the table "file" row for $file_name. Create a new row if missing.


Return the new or existing $file_id.

get_metric_type_id($metric_type) : $metric_type_id

Return the db id of the table "metric_type" row for $metric_type. Create a new row if missing.


Return the new or existing $metric_type_id.

get_lookup_table_id($table_name, $id_column_name, $value_column_name, $lookup_table_value) : $lookup_table_id

Return the db id in $id_column_name of the $table_name row for $lookup_table_value.

Create a new row if missing.

Return the new or existing $lookup_table_id.

test_files_covering($source_file_name) : @test_file_names

Return list of test files that cover any line in $source_file_name.

test_files() : @test_file_names

Return list of test files in the db.

source_files_covered_by($test_file_name) : @source_file_names

Return list of source files that are covered by $test_file_name.

covered_files() : @source_file_names

Return list of source files in the db.

relative_file($file) : Path::Class::File $relative_file

Return $file relative to cover_db/.. if possible, otherwise just return $file.