Devel::PerlySense::Project - A Project root
A Project describes the root directory of a source tree.
A Project has configuration settings.
The effective project root dir.
If known, the root dir made explicit by the existence of a project directory and config, else ""
Default: ""
If known, the root dir indicated by a found used module, else "".
Default: ""
If known, the root dir indicated by the presence of "lib" or "t", else "".
Default: ""
A Config::Project object with the current Project Config. This gets loaded if there is a config file available when the Project is identified.
Default: An Config::Project::Default object
The actual hashref with config values.
Readonly (that includes the entire data structure).
Devel::PerlySense object.
newFromLocation(file => $file, dir => $dir, oPerlySense => $oPs)
Create new Project given either $file, or $dir.
First, search for an explicit project root directory, then try to find any modules used in $file (if passed), then try to find any "lib" or "t" directory upwards of $file or $dir.
$file takes precedence over $dir if both are specified.
If none if this works out, no Project can be created and undef is returned.
Return the new object, or undef if no project could be found.
newFindExplicit(dir => $dir, oPerlySense => $oPs)
Create new Project if there is an explicit .PerlySenseProject directory in the path above $dir.
Return the new object, or undef if no project could be found.
rhRunFile(file => $fileSource, [rhConfigType = DEDUCED_FROM_FILE])
Figure out what type of source file $fileSource is, and how it should be run.
The settings in the global config->{run_file} is used to determine the details.
Return hash ref with (keys: "dir_run_from", "command_run", "type_source_file"), or die on errors (like if no Project could be found).
dir_run_from is an absolute file name which should be the cwd when command_run is executed.
type_source_file is something like "Test", "Module".
rhConfigTypeForFile(file => $fileSource)
Return the config type hash ref (keys: command, moniker) from the ones available in the config. Match the $fileSource name against each rex in the config.
Die if no configType could be identified.
aDirIncProject(dirRelativeTo => $dirRelativeTo)
Return array wirth dir objects which are the inc_dir directories in the config, plus the usual inc directories. They are all relative to $dirRelativeTo.
flymakeFile(file => $fileSource)
Do a flymake run with $fileSource according to the flymake config and output the result to STDOUT and STDERR.
Return 1 or die on errors (but that will look like the result of a failed flymake run).
Johan Lindström, <johanl[ÄT]>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Copyright 2005 Johan Lindström, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 445:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Lindström,'. Assuming CP1252