GSM::SMS::Transport - Act as a single point of access to the transports
This class implements an object factory for the transports found in the GSM::SMS::Transport:: namespace. Given a transport config file, it will dynamically loads the transports and initialize them. It will keep a reference to all instantiated transports.
- new - Constructor
Create a new transport layer with the settings as in the config file. Please look in the example config file for the transport specific configuration settings.
- send - Send a PDU message.
Send a PDU message to the the msisdn. The transport layer will choose a transport according to the regular expression defined in the config file. This regexp matches against the msisdn.
$transport->send( $msisdn, $pdu );
- receive - Receive a PDU message
Receive a pdu message from the transport layer. Undef when no new message available.
$pdu = $transport->receive();
- get_transports - Return an array containg the transports
@transports = $transport->get_transports(); foreach my $i (@transports) { print $i->ping(); }
- add_transport - Push a transport on the transport stack
- close
Shut down transport layer, calls the transport specific close method.
Johan Van den Brande <>