Palm::Timesheet::RecordList - A recordlist, used to contain projects, clients and tasks.
package Palm::Timesheet::SomethingRecordList;
use strict;
use base qw ( Palm::Timesheet::RecordList );
This basically a Palm::Timesheet::List with the following extra methods
- from_record
Constructor that uses a record entry to fill the list. One PDB record keeps the list of clients another the projects and yet another the tasks.
- get_record( $index )
Get record at position $index.
- add_record( $name )
Try to add something without breaking the rest ...
- find( $needle, @haystack )
Try to find the position of an entry. Internal function and should be name _find.
- del_record( $name )
Delete that record.
- pack
Serialize list so it can live in a PDB record.
Copyright (c) 2001, Johan Van den Brande. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.