AWS::S3 - Lightweight interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)


use AWS::S3;

my $s3 = AWS::S3->new(
  access_key_id     => 'E654SAKIASDD64ERAF0O',
  secret_access_key => 'LgTZ25nCD+9LiCV6ujofudY1D6e2vfK0R4GLsI4H',

# Add a bucket:
my $bucket = $s3->add_bucket(
  name    => 'foo-bucket',

# Set the acl:
$bucket->acl( 'private' );

# Add a file:
my $new_file = $bucket->add_file(
  key       => 'foo/bar.txt',
  contents  => \'This is the contents of the file',

# Get the file:
my $same_file = $bucket->file( 'foo/bar.txt' );

# Get the contents:
my $scalar_ref = $same_file->contents;
print $$scalar_ref;

# Update the contents:
$same_file->contents( \"New file contents" );

# Delete the file:

# Iterate through lots of files:
my $iterator = $bucket->files(
  page_size   => 100,
  page_number => 1,
while( my @files = $iterator->next_page )
  warn "Page number: ", $iterator->page_number, "\n";
  foreach my $file ( @files )
    warn "\tFilename (key): ", $file->key, "\n";
    warn "\tSize: ", $file->size, "\n";
    warn "\tETag: ", $file->etag, "\n";
    warn "\tContents: ", ${ $file->contents }, "\n";
  }# end foreach()
}# end while()

# You can't delete a bucket until it's empty.
# Empty a bucket like this:
while( my @files = $iterator->next_page )
  map { $_->delete } @files;
  # Return to page 1:
  $iterator->page_number( 1 );
}# end while()

# Now you can delete the bucket:


AWS::S3 attempts to provide an alternate interface to the Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service.

NOTE: Until AWS::S3 gets to version 1.000 it will not implement the full S3 interface.

Disclaimer: Several portions of AWS::S3 have been adopted from Net::Amazon::S3.

NOTE: AWS::S3 is NOT a drop-in replacement for Net::Amazon::S3.


John Drago <>


This software is Free software and may be used and redistributed under the same terms as any version of perl itself.

Copyright John Drago 2011 all rights reserved.