Class::DBI::Lite - Lightweight ORM for Perl
Please take a look at Class::DBI::Lite::Tutorial for an introduction to using this module.
offers a simple way to deal with databases in an object-oriented way.
One class (the Model class) defines your connection to the database (eg: connectionstring, username and password) and your other classes define interaction with one table each (your entity classes).
The Entity classes subclass the Model class and automatically inherit its connection.
relies heavily on Ima::DBI, SQL::Abstract and Scalar::Util.
does not leak memory and is well-suited for use within mod_perl, Fast CGI, CGI and anywhere else you might need it.
I used Class::DBI for a few years, a few years ago, on a very large project, under mod_perl. This was back in 2002-2003 when the ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) scene was still fairly new.
While it saved me a great deal of typing, I was amazed at the complexity of Class::DBI
's internal code. After some time I found myself spending more effort working around problems caused by Class::DBI
than I could stand.
Many people encountered the same problems I encountered (transactions, database connection sharing issues, performance, etc) and they all went and began writing DBIx::Class.
DBIx::Class went in a direction away from the database while I wanted to get closer to the database. As close as I could possibly get without wasting time. I also wanted to keep some simple logic in my Entity classes (those classes that represent individual tables). I didn't want my ORM to do too much magic, think too much or do anything not immediately apparent. I didn't care about many-to-many relationships or automatic SQL join clauses. Vendor-specific LIMIT expressions simply were not a concern of mine.
So...I reimplemented (most) of the Class::DBI
interface in a way that I preferred. I left out some things that didn't matter to me (eg: many-to-many relationships, column groups) and added some things I needed frequently (eg: transactions, single-field triggers, mod_perl compatibility).
is intended to minimize the boiler-plate code typically written in most applications. It is not intended to completely insulate developers from interacting with the database directly.
is not a way to avoid learning SQL - it is a way to avoid writing SQL.
connection( $dsn, $username, $password )
Sets the DSN for your classes.
package My::Model;
use base 'Class::DBI::Lite::mysql';
__PACKAGE__->connection('DBI:mysql:dbname:localhost', 'username', 'password' );
Returns the active database handle in use by the class.
my $dbh = My::Artist->db_Main;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM artists");
Returns the name of the table that the class is assigned to.
print My::Artist->table; # 'artists'
Returns a list of field names in the table that the class represents.
Given the following table:
create table artists (
artist_id integer unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(100) not null,
) engine=innodb charset=utf8;
We get this:
print join ", ", My::Artist->columns;
# artist_id, name
create( %info )
Creates a new object and returns it.
my $artist = My::Artist->create( name => 'Bob Marley' );
find_or_create( %info )
Using %info
a search will be performed. If a matching result is found it is returned. Otherwise a new record will be created using %info
as arguments.
my $artist = My::Artist->find_or_create( name => 'Bob Marley' );
retrieve( $id )
Given the id of a record in the database, returns that object.
my $artist = My::Artist->retrieve( 1 );
Same as the following SQL:
FROM artists
WHERE artist_id = 1
retrieve_all( )
Returns all objects in the database table.
my @artists = My::Artist->retrieve_all;
Same as the following SQL:
SELECT * FROM artists
NOTE: If you want to sort all of the records or do paging, use search_where
like this:
my @artists = My::Artist->search_where({ 1 => 1}, {order_by => 'name DESC'});
Same as the following SQL:
FROM artists
WHERE 1 = 1
That "WHERE 1 = 1
" is a funny way of telling the database "give them all to me".
has_many( ... )
Declares a "one-to-many" relationship between this two classes.
package My::Artist;
albums =>
'My::Album' =>
The syntax is:
$what_they_are_called =>
$the_class_name =>
The result is this:
my @albums = $artist->albums;
$artist->add_to_albums( name => 'Legend' );
That's the same as:
my @albums = My::Album->search(
artist_id => $artist->id
has_a( ... )
Declares a "one-to-one" relationship between two classes.
package My::Album;
artist =>
'My::Artist' =>
The syntax is:
$what_i_will_call_it =>
$the_class_name =>
The result is this:
my $artist = $album->artist;
That's the same as:
my $artist = My::Artist->retrieve( $album->artist_id );
construct( $hashref )
Blesses the object into the given class, even if we don't have all the information about the object (as long as we get its primary field value).
for( 1..5 ) {
my $artist = My::Artist->construct({ artist_id => $_ });
# name is automatically "fleshed out":
print $artist->name;
eval { do_transaction( \&subref ) }
Executes a block of code within the context of a transaction.
# Safely update the name of every album:
eval {
My::Artist->do_transaction( sub {
# Your transaction code goes here:
my $artist = My::Artist->retrieve( 1 );
foreach my $album ( $artist->albums ) {
$album->name( $artist->name . ': ' . $album->name );
if( $@ ) {
# There was an error:
die $@;
else {
# Everything was OK:
search( %args )
Returns any objects that match all elements in %args
my @artists = My::Artist->search( name => 'Bob Marley' );
my $artist_iterator = My::Artist->search( name => 'Bob Marley' );
Returns an array in list context or a Class::DBI::Lite::Iterator in scalar context.
search_like( %args )
Returns any objects that match all elements in %args
using the LIKE
my @artists = My::Artist->search_like( name => 'Bob%' );
my $artist_iterator = My::Artist->search_like( name => 'Bob%' );
Returns an array in list context or a Class::DBI::Lite::Iterator in scalar context.
Both examples would execute the following SQL:
SELECT * FROM artists WHERE name LIKE 'Bob%'
search_where( \%args, [\%sort_and_limit] )
Returns any objects that match all elements in %args
as specified by %sort_and_limit
Returns an array in list context or a Class::DBI::Lite::Iterator in scalar context.
Example 1:
my @artists = My::Artist->search_where({
name => 'Bob Marley'
Same as this SQL:
FROM artists
WHERE name = 'Bob Marley'
Example 2:
my @artists = My::Artist->search_where({
name => 'Bob Marley'
}, {
order_by => 'name ASC LIMIT 0, 10'
Same as this SQL:
FROM artists
WHERE name = 'Bob Marley'
LIMIT 0, 10
Example 3:
my @artists = My::Artist->search_where([
name => { '!=' => 'Bob Marley' },
genre => 'Rock',
Same as this SQL:
FROM artists
WHERE name != 'Bob Marley'
OR genre = 'Rock'
Because search_where
uses SQL::Abstract to generate the SQL for the database, you can look there for more detailed examples.
count_search( %args )
Returns the number of records that match %args
my $count = My::Album->count_search( name => 'Greatest Hits' );
count_search_like( %args )
Returns the number of records that match %args
using the LIKE
my $count = My::Artist->count_search_like(
name => 'Bob%'
count_search_where( \%args )
Returns the number of records that match \%args
my $count = My::Album->count_search_like({
name => { LIKE => 'Best Of%' }
my $count = My::Album->count_search_like({
genre => { '!=' => 'Country/Western' }
sth_to_objects( $sth )
Takes a statement handle that is ready to fetch records from. Returns the results as objects.
my $sth = My::Artist->db_Main->prepare("SELECT * FROM artists");
my @artists = My::Artist->sth_to_objects( $sth );
This method is very useful for when your SQL query is too complicated for search_where()
add_trigger( $event => \&sub )
Specifies a callback to be executed when a specific event happens.
package My::Artist;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( after_create => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
warn "You just created a new artist: " . $self->name;
There are 6 main trigger points at the class level and 2 trigger points for every field:
Class Triggers
before_create( $self )
Called just before a new record is created. $self
is a hashref blessed into the object's class and contains only the values that were provided for its creation.
So, given this trigger:
package My::Album;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( before_create => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
warn "ID = '$self->{album_id}', Name = '$self->{name}";
If we ran this code:
my $album = My::Album->create( name => 'Legend' );
We would see this output:
ID = '', Name = 'Legend'
Because the value for album_id
has not been assigned by the database it does not yet have a value.
after_create( $self )
Called just after a new record is created. $self
is the new object itself.
So given this trigger:
package My::Album;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( after_create => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
warn "ID = '$self->{album_id}', Name = '$self->{name}";
If we ran this code:
my $album = My::Album->create( name => 'Legend' );
We would see this output:
ID = '1', Name = 'Legend'
before_update( $self )
Called just before changes are saved to the database. $self
is the object to be updated.
package My::Album;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( before_update => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
warn "About to update album " . $self->name;
after_update( $self )
Called just after changes are saved to the database. $self
is the object that was updated.
package My::Album;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( after_update => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
warn "Finished updating album " . $self->name;
NOTE: If you make changes to $self
from within an after_update
you could enter into a recursive loop in which an update is made that causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which causes an update to be made which...and so on.
package My::Album;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( after_update => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
# This will cause problems:
warn "Making a recursive problem:";
$self->name( 'Hello ' . rand() );
before_delete( $self )
Called just before something is deleted.
package My::Album;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( before_delete => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
warn "About to delete " . $self->name;
after_delete( {$primary_field => $id} )
Called just after something is deleted.
NOTE: Since the object itself is deleted from the database and memory, all that is left is the id of the original object.
So, given this trigger...
package My::Album;
use Data::Dumper;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( after_delete => sub {
my ($obj) = @_;
warn "Deleted an album: " . Dumper($obj);
...we might see the following output:
Deleted an album: $VAR1 = {
album_id => 123
Field Triggers
before_update_<field>( $self, $old_value, $new_value )
Called just before a field's value is updated.
So, given the following trigger...
package My::Album;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( before_update_name => sub {
my ($self, $old_value, $new_value) = @_;
warn "About to change name from '$old_value' to '$new_value'";
...called with the following code...
my $artist = My::Artist->create( name => 'Bob Marley' );
my $album = $artist->add_to_albums( name => 'Legend' );
# Now change the name:
$album->name( 'Greatest Hits' );
$album->update; # <--- the trigger is called right here.
...we would see the following output:
About to change the name from 'Legend' to 'Greatest Hits'
after_update_<field>( $self, $old_value, $new_value )
Called just after a field's value is updated.
So, given the following trigger...
package My::Album;
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger( after_update_name => sub {
my ($self, $old_value, $new_value) = @_;
warn "Changed name from '$old_value' to '$new_value'";
...called with the following code...
my $artist = My::Artist->create( name => 'Bob Marley' );
my $album = $artist->add_to_albums( name => 'Legend' );
# Now change the name:
$album->name( 'Greatest Hits' );
$album->update; # <--- the trigger is called right here.
...we would see the following output:
Changed the name from 'Legend' to 'Greatest Hits'
find_column( $name )
Returns the name of the column, if the class has that column.
if( My::Artist->find_column('name') ) {
warn "Artists have names!";
get_table_info( )
Returns a Class::DBI::Lite::TableInfo object fully-populated with all of the information available about the table represented by a class.
So, given the following table structure:
create table artists (
artist_id integer unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(100) not null
) engine=innodb charset=utf8;
Here is the example:
my $info = My::Artist->get_table_info();
my $column = $info->column('name');
warn $column->name; # 'name'
warn $column->type; # varchar
warn $column->length; # 100
warn $column->is_pk; # '0' (because it's not the Primary Key)
warn $column->is_nullable; # 0 (because `not null` was specified on the table)
warn $column->default_value; # undef because no default value was specified
warn $column->key; # undef because not UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY
foreach my $column ( $info->columns ) {
warn $column->name;
warn $column->type;
warn $column->length;
warn $column->is_pk;
Field Methods
For each of the fields in your table, an "accessor" method will be created.
So, given the following table structure:
create table artists (
artist_id integer unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(100) not null,
) engine=innodb charset=utf8;
And the following class:
package My::Artist;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'My::Model';
1;# return true:
The My::Artist
class would have the following methods created:
Returns the value of the
field the database. This value is read-only and cannot be
Gets or sets the value of the
field the database.To get the value of the
field, do this:my $value = $artist->name;
To set the value of the
field, do this:$artist->name( "New Name" );
To save those changes to the database you must call
Always returns the value of the object's primary column.
$album->id == $album->album_id;
$artist->id == $artist->artist_id;
Causes any changes to an object to be saved to the database.
$artist->name( 'Big Bob' );
Deletes the object from the database. The object is then re-blessed into the special class Class::DBI::Lite::Object::Has::Been::Deleted
Causes any changes made to the object that have not been stored in the database to be forgotten.
my $artist = My::Artist->create( name => 'Bob Marley' );
$artist->name( 'Big Bob' );
Copyright John Drago <>. All rights reserved.
This software is Free software and may be used and redistributed under the same terms as perl itself.