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Changes file for Business::DK::CVR
The project Changelog is available at:
0.09 2014-08-23, maintenance release, update not required
- Added specification of required Perl version, settling for
5.8 for now as reported by Perl::Critic
0.08 2014-08-15, maintenance release, update not required
- Addressing Kwalitee, aligning version for version consistency
in modules in distribution
- Added changes.t automatic assertion of the integrity of the
Changes file, see also BDKCVR-8 [BDKCVR-9]
0.07 2013-08-01, maintenance release, update not required
- Fixed up Changes file as part of my Questhub quest adhering to
the standard described in: CPAN::Changes::Spec [BDKCVR-8]
- Added contemporay boiler plate of Perl::Critic test [BDKCVR-5]
0.06 2011-02, maintenance release, update not required
- Added use of Params::Validate in key places and phased out use
of Business::DK::PO
- Made control cifers Readonly
- The _length method has been removed, since it's use was
0.05 2008-06-11, feature release, update not required
- Add object oriented variant implementation [BDKCVR-1],
introducing Class::Business::DK::CVR
- Added prerequisites test (Test::Prereq) [BDKCVR-2]
- Added requirement of Scalar::Util, we are stealing as much as
we can from Michael Peters's distribution:
- Added a LICENSE file
- Added LICENSE file and split COPYRIGHT and LICENSE section in
POD into two separate sections
- Restructured tests files to follow namespace in directory
- Added recursive_test_files to Build.PL
- Added create_readme to Build.PL
- Introduced generate method so valid CVRs now can be generated
- Introduced
Data::FormValidator::Constraints::Business::DK::CVR, this is
sort of an example application, it is however just a simple
wrapper fitting into the Data::FormValidator::Constraints
framework - it is should be usable, not just a demo, but still
0.04 2007-03-13, maintenance release, update not required
- Fixed problem in t/critic.t, I had implemented a mix of my own
and the recommended Perl::Critic test, so it gave unforseen
test failures
0.03 2007-03-12, maintenance release, update not required
- Added Perl::Critic test, t/critic.t and related t/perlcriticrc
- Updated to more contemporary versions of:
These should be there for the quality, but will not be run as
a part of the normal test run, unless the TEST_POD environment
variable is set.
This seem to be the defacto way of doing things.
0.02 2006-03-01, maintenance release, update not required
- Added some more links to SEE ALSO section, apparently there is
already a module on CPAN capable of validating CVR numbers
this module does not use the name CVR so I did no locate it
prior to releasing this module to CPAN
0.01 2006-02-21
- Initial version