# $Id$
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Carp qw(croak);
qw(validate render validate_template DEFAULT_TEMPLATE DK_PREFIX TRUE FALSE);
$VERSION = '0.07';
## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyQuotes, ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitInterpolationOfLiterals)
use overload "" => \&render;
sub new {
my ( $class, $params ) = @_;
my $self = bless {
phonenumber => 0,
prefix => DK_PREFIX,
$class || ref $class;
if ( $params->{phonenumber} ) {
$self->phonenumber( $params->{phonenumber} )
or croak
"phonenumber >$params->{phonenumber}< not in recognisable format";
} else {
croak 'phonenumber parameter is mandatory';
if ( $params->{template} ) {
$self->template( $params->{template} )
or croak
"template >$params->{template}< not in recognisable format";
$self->{prefix} = $params->{prefix};
return $self;
sub phonenumber {
my ( $self, $phonenumber, $template ) = @_;
if ($phonenumber) {
my $tmp_phonenumber = $self->{phonenumber};
if ( validate($phonenumber) ) {
$self->{phonenumber} = $phonenumber;
if ( $self->template($template) ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
$self->{phonenumber} = $tmp_phonenumber;
croak "template >$template< not in recognisable format";
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
} else {
if ($template) {
if ( $self->validate_template($template) ) {
return $self->render( undef, $template );
} else {
croak "template >$template< not in recognisable format";
} else {
return $self->render();
sub template {
my ( $self, $template ) = @_;
if ($template) {
if ( $self->validate_template($template) ) {
$self->{template} = $template;
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
} else {
return $self->{template};
=head1 NAME
Class::Business::DK::Phonenumber - class to model, validate and format Danish telephonenumbers
=head1 VERSION
This documentation describes version 0.01
use Class::Business::DK::Phonenumber;
my $phonenumber = Class::Business::DK::Phonenumber->new('+45 12345678');
#Brief human readable Danish phonenumber format with international prefix
print $phonenumber->render('%02d %02d %02d %02d');
#a brief form validating a stripping everything
my $phonenum =
Class::Business::DK::Phonenumber->new('+45 12 34 56 78')->render('%d8');
# 12345678
#for MSISDN like representation with protocol prefix
my $phonenum =
Class::Business::DK::Phonenumber->new('+45 12 34 56 78')->render('GSM%d10');
# GSM4512345678
#for dialing Denmark with international country prefix and international
#calling code for calling outside Denmark 00
my $phonenum =
Class::Business::DK::Phonenumber->new('12 34 56 78')->render('00%d10');
# 004512345678
This module offers functionality to validate, format and generate Danish
phonenumbers using object-oriented programming.
Please see:
=item * L<Business::DK::Phonenumber> for a procedural interface
=item * L<Data::FormValidator::Constraints::Business::DK::Phonenumber> for an
integration with L<Data::FormValidator>
The contructor can recognise telephone numbers is the following formats as
Danish phonenumbers.
=item * 12345678
=item * 4512345678
=item * +4512345678
White space characters are ignored. See also L</phonenumber>.
=head2 new({ phonenumber => $phonenumber, template => $template })
For valid phone number formatting please refer to L</phonenumber>.
=head2 phonenumber($phonenumber, $template)
This is accessor to the phonenumber attribute.
Provided with a valid phone number parameter the object's phone number attribute
is set.
If the accessor is not provided with a phonenumber parameter, the one defined is
in the object is returned.
See also: L<Business::DK::Phonenumber/validate>, which is used internally to
validate the phonenumber parameter.
Valid phone numbers have to abide to the following formatting:
=item * +<international prefix><8 digit phonenumber>
=item * <international prefix><8 digit phonenumber>
=item * <8 digit phonenumber>
The prefixed plus sign and space used as separator are optional as are the
international dialing code.
The phone number can be formatted in anyway separated using whitespace
=head2 template($template)
This is accessor to the template attribute.
Provided with a valid template parameter the object's template attribute
is set.
If the accessor is not provided with a template parameter, the one defined is in
the object is returned.
See also: L<Business::DK::Phonenumber/validate_template>, which is used
internally to validate the template parameter.
=item * phone number not in recognisable format, the phone number provided to
the constructor is not parsable. Please evaluate what you are attempting to
feed to the constructor.
=item * phone number parameter is mandatory for the constructor, please specify
the phone number parameter to the constructor in order to continue.
=item * template not in recognisable format, the template provided to the
constructor is not in a parsable format, please evaluate what you attempting to
feed to the constructor.
No special configuration or environment is necessary.
=item * L<Carp>
=item * L<Exporter>
=item * L<Business::DK::Phonenumber>
No known incompatibilities at this time.
No known bugs or limitations at this time.
=item * The L<Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumberSeparators>
policy has been disabled. We are working with phonenumbers, strings consisting primarily of number, so not special interpretation or calculative behaviour is needed.
=item * L<Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitConstantPragma> policy has been disabled. I like constants.
=item * L<Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::RequireBracedFileHandleWithPrint> policy has been disabled for now should be revisited at some point.
=head1 TODO
=item * Please refer to the distribution TODO file
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item L<sprintf>
Business::DK::Phonenumber utilizes sprintf to as templating system for
formatting telephonenumbers. This is a well specified and tested interface
which is easy to use.
Please report issues via CPAN RT:
or by sending mail to
I have been working in Telco for a long time. So validation and formatting of
telephone numbers is something I have seen at lot of. This module is an attempt
to sort of consolidate the numerous different regular expression solutions
I have seen scathered over large code bases.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonas B. Nielsen, (jonasbn) - C<< <jonasbn@cpan.org> >>
Class-Business-DK-Phonenumber is (C) by Jonas B. Nielsen, (jonasbn) 2008-2009
=head1 LICENSE
Class-Business-DK-Phonenumber is released under the artistic license
The distribution is licensed under the Artistic License, as specified
by the Artistic file in the standard perl distribution