Changes for version 0.09 - 2007-02-21
- Added no_indexing of t/ directory to Build.PL
- Updated README with pod2text appending of Date::Holidays POD
- Code cleaned a bit, much work still to be done
- Wrote some better DIAGNOSTICS and added 3 more Exceptions lib/Date/Holidays/Exception/ lib/Date/Holidays/Exception/ lib/Date/Holidays/Exception/
- Added a few tests adapters for some of the tests dating before the refactoring (all tests now pass)
- t/lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/NOPOLY.t t/lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/OOP.t
- Renamed _loader in Date::Holidays to _fetch and _load, see also the similar methods in Date::Holidays::Adapter
- _loader.t obsolete and removed
- Introduced use of Error (Exceptions) for better diagnostics: Date/Holidays/Exception/ Date/Holidays/Exception/ Date/Holidays/Exception/
- Refactored the whole thing to a variation of an object adapter pattern, introduced:
- lib/Date/Holidays/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/ lib/Date/Holidays/Adapter/
- tests are located in t/Adapter: _fetch.t _load.t new.t
- Set severity to 3 for Test::Perl::Critic test ran code through perltidy to remove hard tabs
- Set severity to 4 for Test::Perl::Critic test added use warnings statement
- Changed the constructor to no longer be able to initialize a shallow object. If you want to make use of Date::Holidays ability to check all countries for a given holiday please, use it using full namespace. POD updated correspondingly.
- Addressed issue with method calling problems, OOP vs. Procedural vs. the weird mix I personally had boiled up, thanks to Florian Merges for reporting this.
- This has resulted in a minor cleanup and again I can see that the current architecture is not optimal, I am planning a major rewrite, to eliminate the problems of handling new classes introduced in the Date::Holidays::* namespace.
- I am not an authority of any kind, I just attempt to get things to play along nicely.
- New files introduced: t/NOPOLY.t t/OOP.t t/SUPERED.t t/ABSTRACTED.t t/PRODUCERAL.t t/new.t
- and the test classes (in t/lib/Date/Holidays):
- Updated MANIFEST.SKIP with more contemporary version
- Added t/critic.t, Test::Perl::Critic test, currently at severity 5. In addition to this I changed the 'return undef's scattered all over the code to simple return statements.
- Added t/kwalitee.t, Test::Kwalitee test, diabled check for symlinks since it reacted on symlinked .releaserc in directory, which however is NOT in the distribution even though it thinks so
- Added the following as a result of the Kwalitee test: t/pod.t t/pod-coverage.t
- Added use of Module::Load to Build.PL and to own _loader routine in Date::Holidays. I also added: t/_loader.t to isolate the actual test
a Date::Holidays::* OOP wrapper
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::* modules
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::AU
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::* modules
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::DK
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::FR
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::* modules
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::* modules
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::NO
an adapter class for Date::Holidays::PT
an adapter exception class
an adapter exception class
a Date::Holidays exception class
a Date::Holidays exception class
an adapter exception class
a Date::Holidays exception class