Date::Holidays::Abstract - an abstract class for Date::Holidays::* modules
package Date::Holidays::NN; use base qw(Date::Holidays::Abstract);
sub holidays { ... }
sub is_holiday { ... }
This module is an abstract class intended for Date::Holidays::*
The goal is to have all the existing and future modules implement the same methods, so they will have a uniform usage and can be used in polymorphic context or can be easily adapted into the Date::Holidays class.
If you want to use Date::Holidays::Abstract and want to comply with my suggestions to the methods that ought to be implemented, you should implement:
- is_holiday
- holidays
Date::Holidays uses the requirements defined by this module and this module can therefor be used with success in conjunction with this.
This is an alternative to making a super class. I have considered programming a super class, but since create a super class for a bunch of modules implementing handling of national holidays, an abstract class seemed a better choice.
A super class for Date::Holidays, could implement is_holiday and holidays and expect these to be overloaded. Overloading would be necessary since nothing intelligent can be said about holidays without specifying a nationality (a part from holidays being nice but too few), and the implemented methods would be empty bodies returning empty result sets.
So I am more for an abstract class and as stated I consider this class an experiment and I am still considering implementing Date::Holidays::Super.
Suggestions for changes to this or extensions are more than welcome.
- Date::Holidays
- Date::Holidays::DE
- Date::Holidays::DK
- Date::Holidays::FR
- Date::Holidays::UK
- Date::Holiday::PT
- Date::Japanese::Holiday
- Class:Virtual
Please report issues via CPAN RT:
or by sending mail to
Jonas B. Nielsen, (jonasbn) - <>
Date-Holidays-Abstract is (C) by Jonas B. Nielsen, (jonasbn) 2004
Date-Holidays-Abstract is released under the Artistic License See <> for details.