Games::Bingo::Print::Plate - Bingo plate class for PDF generation
use Games::Bingo::Print::Plate;
my $p = Games::Bingo::Print::Plate->new();
This Games::Bingo::Print::Plate class (Plate for now) is a simple holder used to hold the generated bingo plates before they are printed.
- new
The constructor, takes no arguments.
- populate
This method is the main method of the class. It populates the object with a plate of 12 random numbers which can be printed using the Games::Bingo::Print class.
- _init
Init uses the function in Games::Bingo::Column and Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection, which are use to generate the necessary random numbers to generate the plate and set the them in the necessary columns.
- _populate
This is the private method which is used to populate the plate in the Plate class.
Populate takes to arguments, the row and the number, it resolves the column using _resolve_column.
- _resolve_column
Resolve column is method used to resolve where on the plate a specified number should go. It takes a number and returns an integer indicating a column.
- _integrity_check
This method is a part of the work-around, which was made in the populate method, it checks whether the populated Plate holds 12 numbers return a boolean value indicating succes or failure.
This class contains a bug in populate, which is regarded a design flaw. A work around have implemented. No other bugs are known at the time of writing.
jonasbn <>
Games::Bingo and related modules are free software and is released under the Artistic License. See <> for details.
Games::Bingo is (C) 2003 Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn) <>