CHANGES file for Games::Bingo

$Id: CHANGES,v 1.17 2003/07/30 17:53:09 jonasbn Exp $

0.01 Released 10th. of May 2003 

- Project setup, all the files and prototypes, lots of programming etc.

- Renamed prior versions to 0.01. - Please see the BUGS

0.02 Released 11th. of May 2003 (no update necessary)

- Fixed broken POD in Games::Bingo::Print

- Fixed [cpan #2552] README and INSTALL have too long lines, hard
  wrapped at 72

- Fixed [cpan #2553] Information on bug-reporting included in the

- Added descriptions to all POD NAME sections

- Removed all prototypes

- Added references to programs in bin/

- Added more material to SYNOPSIS sections

0.03 Released 14th. of May 2003 (no update necessary)

- Cleaned up all the POD (no warnings)

- Update READ me with bin/* files, CamelBones Application

- Added docs to the bin/* files.

0.04 Released 16th. of May 2003 (no update necessary)

- Fixed the NAME section in Games::Bingo::Print, this should clear out
  the last bug

- Encapsulated the random function.

- Add possibility of providing a complete array of Columns to the
  constructor in Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection.

- Add an assertion to the get_column method in
  Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection so illegal numbers issue a warning.

- Add assertion to the remove_column method in
  Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection so illegal numbers issue a warning.

- Improved constructor in Games::Bingo so use of init can be avoided,
  backwards compability is preserved (for now)

- bin/ changed to use of constructor with ceiling parameter
  (the new way)

- Included the rules of the game of bingo in the README

0.05 Released 25th. of June 2003 (no update necessary)

- Added t/pod.t, one more requirement, have a look at:
- Updated the INSTALL guide by request with information on PDFLib

- Implemented integration with Games::Bingo::Bot, introducing new
  class: Games::Bingo::Card
- Implemented new methods in Games::Bingo: pulled, _all_pulled and pull

- Implemented internal structure in Games::Bingo to hold the taken 
  numbers, now referred to as pulled
- This release is require by Games::Bingo::Bot 0.01 (just released)

- Cleaned a few POD mistakes (escapes) and added some simple docs on
  the new methods

0.06 Not Released Yet

 - Separation of Games::Bingo::Print out from Games::Bingo. This means
   the following files have been moved out from the Games::Bingo
   And the TODO have been cleaned up (Print tasks have been moved to
   Games::Bingo::Print TODO)
 - Removed
 - Added t/cover.t which can be used for coverage test
 - Added t/basic2.t holding test of pull

 - Added $VERSION variable to remaining modules
 - Renamed plates to cards (proper english)
 - Exchanged personal email address for CPAN address
 - Additional tests of the new methods in Games::Bingo (SEE
   CHANGES, release 0.05 and t/basic2.t)