Changes for version 0.06
- Separation of Games::Bingo::Print out from Games::Bingo. This means the following files have been moved out from the Games::Bingo distribution:
- bin/ lib/Games/Bingo/ lib/Games/Bingo/Print/ t/Print.t t/Plate.t t/Plate2.t
- And the TODO have been cleaned up (Print tasks have been moved to Games::Bingo::Print TODO)
- Removed
- Added t/cover.t which can be used for coverage test
- Added t/basic2.t holding test of pull
- Added $VERSION variable to remaining modules
- Renamed plates to cards (proper english)
- Exchanged personal email address for CPAN address
- Additional tests of the new methods in Games::Bingo (SEE CHANGES, release 0.05 and t/basic2.t)
a bingo game Perl implementation
a helper class for Games::Bingo
a column class used for generating bingo cards
a collection class for holding columns