Changes for version 0.14
- NB! a minor API change, the splitnumber method has moved from Games::Bingo::Card to Games::Bingo
- Updated Build.PL to more contemporary version
- Updated MANIFEST.SKIP to more contemporary version
- Applied minor POD patch from Mike Castle to and
- Cleaned out use lib statements from t/*.t files
- Cleaned some more of the tests
- Added scripts statement to Build.PL, to avoid problems with auto generated Makefile.PL, when this is enabled in Build.PL
- Due to problems with coverage testing, module coverage showing up as n/a for some of the core classes I decided to clean up the code a bit. Coverage now works and the problem seemed to be circular usage of modules, more details on the cleaning below
- I have refactored Games::Bingo so it no longer inherits from Games::Bingo::Card
- Method splitnumber has moved from Games::Bingo::Card to Games::Bingo test t/card_splitnumber.t removed and introduced new test t/bingo_splitnumber.t instead
- Fixed some broken tests, they showed their ugly face when refactoring
- Added POD on test coverage
a bingo game Perl implementation
a helper class for Games::Bingo
a column class used for generating bingo cards
a collection class for holding columns
constants used in the many Games::Bingo modules