Changes for version 0.15

  • Refactored constructor for Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection so ref of class was removed. Updated version to 0.03
  • Refactored constructor for Games::Bingo::Column so ref of class was removed. Updated version to 0.03
  • Refactored constructor for Games::Bingo::Card so ref of class was removed. Updated version to 0.04
  • Refactored out some code in Games::Bingo::Card, which was commented as unimplemented, I cannot remember what and why so it goes
  • Refactored constructor for Games::Bingo so ref of class was removed
  • Added test inheritance t/ and t/inheritance.t
  • Added more tests of Games::Bingo in general adding to overall coverage
  • Refactored out check for parameter, which would always be set
  • Fixed a problem in Build.PL scripts directory no longers existing, is located in bin, this should address the high magnitude of failing tests



a bingo game Perl implementation
a helper class for Games::Bingo
a column class used for generating bingo cards
a collection class for holding columns
constants used in the many Games::Bingo modules