Games::Bingo::Bot - A simple class holding IRC related methods for bingo


use Games::Bingo::Bot;

use constant ANY => 1; use constant PUBLIC => 2; use constant PRIVATE => 3;

my $gbb = Games::Bingo::Bot->new();

my $sub = $gbb->{'commands'}->{$msg});

my ($type, $answer) = &$sub($gbb, $nick);


This module contains all the commands supported by the Games::Bingo::Bot IRC bot (see the script in the bin directory).

The Games::Bingo::Bot class (this) and the script mentioned above is a complete IRC setup for playing Bingo, using the Games::Bingo module.

These are the bingobot commands:

  • help - this message

  • play - join a game

  • stats - get the current statistics of the running game

  • pull - pull the next number

  • bingo - you indicate to the bot that you have bingo

  • pulled - shows you what number have been pulled

  • show - lists the numbers on your plate

The command are described below in detail (SEE COMMANDS).

Not implemented yet (SEE TODO):

  • auto - enables automode (automatic number pulling)

  • noauto - disables automode

All commands can be sent into the channel or send as private messages to the bot. The bot can repond as both of these ways aswell. The reponses are sent as follows:

  • help, show and all errors are always private messages

  • pull and bingo are always public

  • play, pulled, stats, auto, noauto depends on how you query

As long as the bot is online a game is running.


These are the basic methods of the class.


This is the constructor, it will start up a new game.


This is the only method apart from the contructor new, which is not a implementation of a IRC related command.

The method returns a CODEREF to the command asked for (SEE COMMANDS).


All these methods are implementations of commands which are supported by the IRC client.


This is the command to be issued by a user, when he/she has bingo.

This starts a check of the issuing players card.

The method takes one argument, the nick of the player.

The methods reponds publicly on success and privately when the player did not have a bingo.


This command issues the pulling of a new number.

The method takes no arguments. The method responds publicly.


This command shows the card of the player issuing the command.

The method takes one argument, the nick of the player. The method reponds privately.


This command shows the current stats of the game.

  • Number of players

  • Number of numbers pulled

  • Number of numbers remaining

The method takes no arguments. The method responds according to how it was called (publicly/privately).


This method shows the numbers which have been pulled.

The method takes no arguments. The method responds according to how it was called (publicly/privately).


This method adds the issuing player to the current game.

The method takes one argument, the nick of the player. The method responds according to how it was called (publicly/privately).


This method deletes the issueing player from the current game.

The method takes one argument, the nick of the player. The method responds according to how it was called (publicly/privately).


*This is not yet implemented, please see the TODO*

This is actually a simple accessor, enabling the autoflag of the game, meaning numbers are pulled automatically.

The method takes no argument. The method responds according to how it was called (publicly/privately).


*This is not yet implemented, please see the TODO*

This is actually a simple accessor, disabling the autoflag of the game, meaning numbers are no longer pulled automatically.

The method takes no argument. The method responds according to how it was called (publicly/privately).


This is a simple list of the commands and a few guidelines, a reference manual so to speak.

The method takes no argument. The method responds privately.


  • Games::Bingo

  • Games::Bingo::Card

  • POE::Component::IRC

  • bin/


  • Implement use of App::Config or a similar module for easier configuration and use

  • Implement auto and noauto commands. At this time I am not sure how this should be done. Should it be done using a child process to run the game, or should I just implement a sort of broadcast functionality?

  • Child processes:

  • Broadcast:

  • Or should this be done by using IRC as communication media, reacting on own commands, ugly but simple :)

  • Implement handling of nick changes so a game follows a user

  • Implement user check so in case of spontane disconnects followed by connects a user can resume a game under his new nick

  • Implement resuming of running game after spontaneous disconnect of the bot

  • Write tests of the IRC commands (should these go into a module?)

  • Write docs

  • Implement functionality to start a new game automatically when a game is over. This could be done by pilfering with the constructor

  • Implement point system (should "bingo" commands issue negative points when the player does not have bingo?)

  • Improve the output of the 'pulled' command so it shows a more console like output (see Games::Bingo, the script)

  • Improve the output of the 'show' command to show a console like card

  • Add a 'rules' command

  • Should all commands be prefix with the name of the bot? now it would trigger on alot of works. So if it is supposed to run in a public channel it could prove annoying.


jonasbn <>


Games::Bingo::Bot and related scripts and modules are free software and is released under the Artistic License. See <> for details.

Games::Bingo::Bot is (C) 2003 Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn) <>