Module::Build::Bundle - subclass for supporting Tasks and Bundles


This documentation describes version 0.07


#In your Build.PL
use Module::Build::Bundle;

#Example lifted from: Perl::Critic::logicLAB 
my $build = Module::Build::Bundle->new(
    dist_author   => 'Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn), <>',
    module_name   => 'Perl::Critic::logicLAB',
    license       => 'artistic',
    create_readme => 1,
    requires      => {
        'Perl::Critic::Policy::logicLAB::ProhibitUseLib' => '0',
        'Perl::Critic::Policy::logicLAB::RequireVersionFormat' => '0',


#In your shell
% ./Build contents

#Or implicitly executing contents action
% ./Build



  • Autogeneration of POD for Bundle and Task distributions via a build action

  • Links to required/listed distributions, with or without versions

  • Links to specific versions of distributions for perl 5.12.0 if a version is specified

  • Inserts a POD section named CONTENTS or something specified by the caller

This module adds a very basic action for propagating a requirements list from a Build.PL file's requires section to the a POD section in the distribution targetted.



This is the build action parsing the requirements specified in the Build.PL file. It creates a POD section (see also "FEATURES" above).

By default it overwrites the CONTENTS section with a POD link listing. You can specify a note indicating if what section you want to overwrite using the section_header note.

#Example lifted from: Perl::Critic::logicLAB 
my $build = Module::Build::Bundle->new(
    dist_author   => 'Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn), <>',
    module_name   => 'Perl::Critic::logicLAB',
    license       => 'artistic',
    create_readme => 1,
    requires      => {
        'Perl::Critic::Policy::logicLAB::ProhibitUseLib' => '0',
        'Perl::Critic::Policy::logicLAB::RequireVersionFormat' => '0',

$build->notes('section_header' => 'POLICIES');


The section of course has to be present.

Based on your version of perl and you Build.PL requirements, the links will be rendered in the following formats:


requires => {
    'Some::Package' => '0',

#POD, perl all
=item * L<Some::Package|Some::Package>

With version:

requires => {
    'Some::Package' => '1.99',

#POD, perl < 5.12.0
=item * L<Some::Package|Some::Package>, 1.99

#POD, perl >= 5.12.0
=item * L<Some::Package|Some::Package>, L<1\.99\|>


This is a simple wrapper around the standard action: Module::Build build action. It checks whether "ACTION_contents" have been executed, if not it executes it.


This method has been lifted from Module::Build::Base and altered.

It sets the:

  • 'generated by <package> version <package version>' string in MYMETA.yml

For Module::Build::Bundle:

#Example MYMETA.yml
    Module::Build::Bundle: 0.01
generated_by: 'Module::Build::Bundle version 0.01'


This method has been lifted from Module::Build::Base and altered.

It sets:

  • 'generated by <package> version <package version>' string in META.yml

  • configure_requires: <package>: <version>

For Module::Build::Bundle:

#Example META.yml
    Module::Build::Bundle: 0.01
generated_by: 'Module::Build::Bundle version 0.01'


  • No <section> section to be replaced

    If the POD to be updated does not contain a placeholder section the action will die with the above message.

    The default minimal section should look something like:

    =head1 CONTENTS

    Or if you provide your own section_header

    =head1 <section header>



The module does per default look for the section named: CONTENTS.

This is the section used in Bundles, this can be overwritten using the section parameter.

For example Perl::Critic::logicLAB uses a section named POLICIES and Task::BeLike::JONASBN uses DEPENDENCIES.

The problem is that the section has to be present or else the contents action will throw an error.

Module::Build::Bundle is primarily aimed at Bundle distributions. Their use is however no longer recommended and Task provides a better way.



The distribution requires perl version from 5.6.0 and up.


Currently Module::Build::Bundle is not able to handle root based distributions meaning distribtions with a single Perl module located in the root directory instead of the lib structure.

Apart from that there are no known special limitations or bugs at this time, but I am certain there are plenty of scenarios is distribution packaging the module is not currently handling.

The module only supports Bundle/Task distributions based on Module::Build. The implementation is based on a subclass of Module::Build, which can replace Module::Build (See: "SYNOPSIS").



The motivation was driven by two things.

  • The joy of fooling around with Module::Build

  • The need for automating the documentation generation

I have a few perks and one of them is that I never get to automate stuff until very late and I always regret that. So when I released Bundle::JONASBN, now Task::BeLike::JONASBN::Task::BeLike::JONASBN I thought I might aswell get it automated right away.

This module lived for a long time as a part of Bundle::JONASBN but then I needed it for some other distributions, so I decided to separate it out.


  • Adam Kennedy (ADAMK) author of Task, a very basic and simple solution

  • The Module::Build developers


  • Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn) <>


Copyright 2010 jonasbn, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.