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Changes for version 1.05 - 2003-12-08
- maintenance taken over by jonasbn <jonasbn@cpan.org>
- 1.03 was the latest working release I could find on CPAN, 1.04 is there, but it seems empty.
- renamed manifest to MANIFEST, elimnating build warning
- added module Tie::Tools and single point of entry for Tie::Tools
- moved $VERSION for Tie::Tools from Tie::Func to Tie::Tools
- moved readme content to newly added TODO
- fixed breaking test (issuing warning instead of death sentence)
- added verbosity flag to test.pl
- added CVS is tags to everything
A trivial implementaion of Tie::Cache by using a tied handle of a hash for storage.
a collection of tying tools
in lib/Tie/dbi/ER.pm
in lib/Tie/dbi/ER.pm
in lib/Tie/DeepTied.pm
in lib/Tie/Depth.pm
in lib/Tie/Func.pm
in lib/Tie/NormalArray.pm
in lib/Tie/Parent.pm